Example sentences of "[noun pl] are scatter [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ancient marble columns and building blocks are scattered throughout the village , providing a doorstep here , a lintel there , or perhaps a few mooring posts .
2 The rounds are scattered on the kitchen table , and I 'm moving the pistol from hand to hand like I was kneading a blob of putty .
3 Possibly in nature the eggs are scattered at the surface of the sea among minute plankton which serves as food for the fry and the almost freshwater in the spawning aquarium was a contributing factor to the loss of the fry .
4 Astrological charts , a couple of crystal balls on oddly clawed stands , litters of long-decayed scrolls , and similar items are scattered about the floor , on a couple of tables , and on stands .
5 The police are scattered around the area with several pairs of squad cars and at least three Black Marias .
6 Commons are scattered throughout the county , and although rights of common are fiercely defended they are rarely exercised , and many commons are returning to woodland .
7 A few small green leaves are scattered about the bottom of the cupboard …
8 Ancient castles , burial chambers , ruins and churches are scattered over the area , highlighting the rich cultural heritage and providing a contrast to the golden sands , estuaries and wooded valleys .
9 The disk is round to subpentagonal ; covered with thickened skin ; no scales but granules are scattered over the surface which are more conspicuous in dried specimens ; disk diameter up to 20 mm .
10 Small granules are scattered over the surface some developed into low spinelets .
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