Example sentences of "[noun pl] scatter [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I later discovered that the area was one of those settled by the original Spanish conquistadores in the 1560s ; by 1980 , Loreto itself , still largely cut off from the outside world , consisted only of a church , a school and five houses , although there were many more Indian families in houses scattered through the surrounding forest .
2 She found him sitting up in bed , a score of his medical texts and notes scattered across the heavy coverlet .
3 There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens .
4 When I looked carefully I could see lots of orange fragments scattered over the sodden grass and glistening brown earth of the field .
5 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
6 The sculptor pioneered approaches to his medium that young artists today take for granted : sculpture conceived as an ensemble of elements scattered over a wide area ; site-specific installation ; public ‘ interactive ’ art and sculpture on a colossal scale .
7 Paul 's description of the first Gentile Christians scattered round the Mediterranean coastlands of the first century AD would be true of the family into which I was born : ‘ not many wise as men reckon wisdom , not many in positions of power or from noblest families , not many wealthy ’ ( 1 Corinthians 1:26 ) .
8 These estimates add up to the figures quoted earlier , namely between 28,000 and 40,000 wild Asian elephants scattered over an immense area .
9 By the time of his death in 346 , there were several thousand monks scattered about the Egyptian desert , and the principles underlying the monastic system were being transmitted elsewhere .
10 Tommaso described , rapidly , one of the many round stone shelters scattered in the olive groves outside the town , on the road which led to the sea from the farm where he had visited them last Easter .
11 Many teachers mentioned the difficulties of doing practical work in classrooms without storage space , in rooms scattered over a large campus , in departments without money to buy equipment .
12 Accommodation at the hotel is in thatched bungalows scattered throughout the native gardens , with superior bungalows providing an extra degree of luxury and well worth the additional supplement .
13 This common feeling , shared by the knights from the shires scattered along the Conservative back benches in the Commons , was more than mere aristocratic disdain , although if you were already seated in a large country estate it cast a different light upon the tiresome business of dealing with the Whitehall bureaucracy .
14 When , in 1884 , G. T. Clark [ q.v. ] published his Mediaeval Military Architecture in England , she realized that it contained false assumptions about the origins of the various mounds or mottes scattered over the British Isles .
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