Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] not go far [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The vote against was that of Boris Yeltsin , the central committee 's leading radical , who had argued during the debate that the reforms did not go far enough .
2 The package also angered many Hong Kong liberals who argued that the reforms did not go far enough .
3 They were soon repudiated by ten of the Member States , including Britain , but for different reasons , some tactical , some in principle and some ( especially German ) because the Dutch proposals did not go far enough .
4 At its July meeting the Council heard some members complain that the proposals did not go far enough and would not lead to greater freedoms for institutions , and heard others wonder if the long-term aim was in fact ‘ complete autonomy ’ .
5 Steps were taken to reduce capacity : shifts were cut and shod time introduced but these measures did not go far enough to balance supply and demand .
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