Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] shaking [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Dexter realised his fingers were shaking as he finished reading Nicola 's round , almost childish , writing for the second time .
2 Her hands were shaking when she picked up the receiver and dialled the number of Sabrina 's flat .
3 ‘ I 'd take your clothes off now and prove it to you , ’ he said thickly , and his hands were shaking as they held her by the hips .
4 Her hands were shaking as she obliged , so the photos were going to be blurred , and she put the camera down hastily when Nicky returned to the lounge with Luke .
5 Her hands were shaking as she reached for the first of the envelopes .
6 Someone brought her a coffee and she smiled vague thanks , noting with the same odd detachment that her hands were shaking as she clasped them around the mug .
7 Her hands were shaking as she leaned forward to lift the cup to her mouth , but he must n't see that , and she replaced it quickly before she spilled a drop .
8 Mary 's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the key-hole .
9 My hands were shaking as I got into the raft for the second time .
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