Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] gave rise to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
2 The scheme generated a significant number of additional bus trips which gave rise to the highest proportion of elderly bus passenger casualties of all Scottish local authorities .
3 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
4 Most of the video nasties which gave rise to the Act have passed this test with flying colours , whilst most porn fails .
5 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
6 As it takes about two years to convert an idea to law through our parliamentary system , new legislation is often implemented at a time when the circumstances which gave rise to the idea have substantially altered .
7 In Home Office Research and Planning Unit Paper 65 , Offending while on Bail : a survey of recent studies , by Patricia M. Morgan ( Home Office , 1992 ) , the figures which gave rise to the recent claims are subjected to careful analysis .
8 For centuries the outer edges of the world map dwindled to empty lands and seas where early cartographers filled the vast spaces with sea monsters and mythical creatures which gave rise to the figure of speech ‘ Here be Dragons ’ .
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