Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] all round [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For several days she was allowed to do little more than lie and listen to the radio , almost disappearing under an avalanche of flowers and messages from all round the world .
2 Her most valuable contribution lay in the relationships she built up with delegates from all round the world .
3 That same year , 1950 , a great congress for young Salvationists from all round the world was to be held in London .
4 This record is slowly starting to build up , and will be augmented , I hope , by the National Life Story Collection 's new initiative to tape record photographers from all round the country , as part of the National Sound Archive 's audio history of Britain .
5 Photographs of the Congress show Indian girls in their saris and young men and women from all round the world , Jamaica , Ceylon , Japan , South America .
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