Example sentences of "[art] triumph [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was midnight when he finally eased the Triumph to a stop in front of his parents ' house and swayed gently up the steps .
2 This is needed because the triumph over the fear of death is a fundamental human need and without it there will always be this fear looming in the background of the mind .
3 Of course , it is relevant that the period under discussion also saw the triumph of the art of aquatint reproduction and of watercolour illustration , two modes that conveyed the idea of the Picturesque to the common reader .
4 As evidence for this assertion she will point to the fact that the rise of the novel ( the literary genre of ‘ character ’ par excellence ) in the eighteenth century coincided with the rise of capitalism ; that the triumph of the novel over all other literary genres in the nineteenth century coincided with the triumph of capitalism ; and that the modernist and postmodernist deconstruction of the classic novel in the twentieth century has coincided with the terminal crisis of capitalism .
5 His most important painting , ‘ The triumph of the Genius of Destruction ’ , intended for the Paris World Fair in 1878 , portrayed the inhumanity of those who opposed progress and the murders perpetrated by Church and State .
6 For Fumaroli , the Louvre is a perfect example of the triumph of the politics of bella figura , and the transformation of a great cultural treasure into a monument to the pharaonic ambitions of the President whom the Canard Enchaîné has dubbed Mitterramses the First .
7 COMING soon , maybe : a triumph for the gods of chaos , lunacy and bad taste - or , to put it more plainly , a film version of John Kennedy Toole 's wonderfully funny cult novel , A Confederacy of Dunces .
8 A triumph for the rights of the ordinary citizen ?
9 Is he aware that his announcement today is not a triumph for the philosophy of trusts but a blow against democracy , consultation and the will of the people ?
10 It is frightening , a triumph of the will over material circumstances .
11 But more important than that , the title also represented a triumph in the battle against time which he has been waging since he learned that he might soon be forced to quit the Tour .
12 Newton says his successful rapport with Chelsea supporters is itself a triumph in the light of recent history .
13 The surprise payment was hailed as a triumph by the receivers of the Belfast car company which collapsed ten years ago .
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