Example sentences of "[art] whole lot of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Come in looking as though you might be able to solve an interviewer 's problems , not as though you will bring a whole lot of problems of your own .
2 Let's see if we can get a , see there 's a whole lot of buds as an example in that one is n't there ?
3 Now , you and I could sit down , as many people could then , eighty , ninety years ago and write a whole lot of things with the world , but it took the , the Irish writer and whip G K Chesterton to really put his finger on it .
4 So you can look at ah a whole lot of things like this .
5 Well , I 've trailed my coat , I 've said a whole lot of things in hopefully to intrigue you , to start you off , merely in terms of rather positive public relations , the media are good and they 're lovely and you ought to encourage them , and really , my message in the very first part is what I started off with .
6 But on the other hand as is often the case , there 's so much that you 've got you do n't need , that when you finish your removal you want a whole lot of boxes in the corner out the way until you 've sorted er everything else out .
7 I figured there were a whole lot of answers inside that building and I figured that like or not there had to be a back entrance to it somewhere .
8 We got a whole teacher got a whole lot of letters for some piece all about collecting cans for getting trees and it was them letters .
9 ‘ This opens a whole lot of possibilities for us .
10 And we 're we 're well erm getting a whole of trees planted and field there cos her field is hardly ever used and we gon na be getting a whole lot of trees for that .
11 It was an interesting if much too long meeting lasting from 2pm to about 6.15pm — but interesting in that , with rather few of us there , it was a chance to range over a whole lot of issues on and off the agenda , and a chance to appreciate the efforts , interests , aspirations and voluntary input of many others — though of course they get support from their activities from their employers .
12 and erm I think there must be some people there who have brought cats in because all of a sudden there are a whole lot of cats about which there were n't before you see
13 But er they would maybe lay it by for two or three weeks and then forget for two or three weeks , and then when it came to the end of the quarter they were a whole lot of weeks behind , you know , they could n't pay it then .
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