Example sentences of "[prep] [num] times the rate [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Akers said the industry would keep expanding at two to three times the rate of world economic growth and that IBM would participate fully .
2 Over the next few years we are projecting very high rates of growth , not less than double and up to three times the rate of inflation .
3 At this age , heavy smokers have 10 to 15 times the rate of fatal heart attacks of nonsmokers .
4 While other ventures such as property lending faltered , American consumers piled up credit-card debt and tolerated interest rates three to four times the rate of inflation .
5 We 're dismayed that Network Southeast is seeking to put up season ticket fares by up to four times the rate of inflation on some lines .
6 When polluted rain was substituted by clean rain , the ‘ bleeding ’ of sulphate from the soil reduced 50 per cent but after 36 months it still continued at up to seven times the rate of input .
7 How can the Minister or the companies justify increases of five to seven times the rate of inflation ?
8 Overall , the annual sales of the top performers grew at 4.5 times the rate of the underperformers ; their returns on those sales were 2.5 times higher .
9 For example , VCR products are growing at three times the rate of other audiovisual products ( Ohmae 1985 ) .
10 In the past year , prices have risen by three times the rate of inflation , says National Utility Services , which advises industry on costs .
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