Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's gone [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will only look at the premium status up to the fifteenth of the month , it wo n't take into consideration when so recall 's gone through on the sixteenth of the month .
2 And speak your own language , please : we 'll even teach it to you in our schools to prove how understanding we are , just so long as you do our dirty work for less wages than our own kind are prepared to accept : just so long as you keep yourselves to yourselves , and do n't let your children marry ours , because what we 're all terrified of , so terrified the word 's gone out of the vocabulary .
3 So you 'll always know that , if your salary 's gone up by the same level , whenever you claim , it 's gon na be the same percentage as it was today .
4 As the recession 's gone on through the eighties and enters the nineties , we can see that the number of single households , households with just one person , is increasing rapidly .
5 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
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