Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] resulted [prep] " in BNC.

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1 4.32 If a plaintiff 's loss of wages has resulted in his getting an income tax rebate , the amount of the rebate must be taken into account against his loss of wages ( Hartley v Sandholme Iron Co [ 1975 ] QB 600 ) .
2 But the rise of chains has resulted in booksellers playing a much more active part in the promotion of books , inviting publishers to contribute to the costs of catalogues , books of the month and generic campaigns , and taking a lead , too , in organising author events .
3 The resulting clash of styles has resulted in a forthright , moody range of sensations certainly capable of setting your teeth on edge , if not grinding away in your sleep .
4 However , the Commission did not find evidence of deaths having resulted from deliberate brutality by police or prison officers , as had been alleged by some of the victims ' families .
5 The internationalisation of the financial and money markets and the technological revolution in telecommunications have resulted in economic agents increasingly holding diversified currency portfolios .
6 In particular , a sharp decline in autumn use of fertilizers had resulted from research showing that the application of nitrogen in the autumn was of little economic or practical benefit to the final crop , but increased nitrate leaching into soil and hence water courses .
7 The excessive and unrestricted use of pesticides has resulted in a worrying number of cases of acute and chronic pesticide poisoning among Central American peasants .
8 This state of affairs has resulted in long periods of civil war beginning soon after independence .
9 It reminded him of when he had guarded a colonial nursery , after an unexpected attack by Hunters had resulted in the abduction of two small infants .
10 Recent efforts to increase the general policy expertise among members have resulted in more amending activity during floor debate ( Bailey , 1992 , p. 132 ) .
11 What will happen if schools fail to comply with the recommendations remains to be seen — so far introduction of reviews has resulted in substantial voluntary initiatives for change in all Dutch medical schools .
12 However , the gain in yields has resulted in a loss of conformation and there is now a hunt for suitable beef sires to boost the dairy herd 's waning meat production .
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