Example sentences of "mill around the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All around , tacking between the galleys , milling around the Doge 's vessel , I see the myriad small craft by which for so many years Venice exerted its supremacy around the Adriatic shores .
2 Benny , Ace and Petion arrived to find them milling around the door , testing it for electrification with a bayonet whose handle was securely wrapped with oilcloth .
3 Forty to fifty lean tough dockers who were milling around the hut chatting and laughing , came to an expectant hush at his command .
4 Humans were milling around the base of the Ship .
5 Here , milling around the caviare , dwells all the menace and the glamour of the Unseen World .
6 Special effects ( sounds of waves lapping against the side of the ship and seagull cries ) were played over the public address system , milling around the aircraft were groundcrew all dressed in period Navy uniforms , and then the order to start engines was given .
7 The incident , which happened while several people including children were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
8 The incident , which happened while several people including children were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
9 The incident , which took place while several people , including children , were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
10 Before being taken to the platform , he was introduced to those members of the Committee who happened to be milling around the entrance .
11 They reached the shelter of the brick-built cainca far enough ahead of their pursuers to lock themselves in , and for several minutes the coolies milled around the building , trying without success to smash the stout wooden doors and shutters .
12 Cockneys , Irishmen , Poles , Jews , Chinamen ; all milled around the streets .
13 Yet I milled around the edge of the crowd at the demonstration feeling completely detached .
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