Example sentences of "having [vb pp] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Having heard that he was much respected and had great influence in these parts , I felt it was as well to do as he told us .
2 Having recognized that you are in a potential coaching situation here are the main steps :
3 Having checked that they are heading for Prague , I give a lift to the two young men at the head of the queue .
4 Who could this be ? she wondered rather crossly , not having realised that there was to be another woman there .
5 Having explained that his Communism was an aspect of his campaign for black equality he thundered at the committee : ‘ You are the non-patriots , you are the UnAmericans and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves . ’
6 From the ascription on the first page of H400D , Te Deum Simple Le feu Roy ayant voulu qu'il ne dura guere plus que sa messe ordinaire ( ‘ Simple Te Deum , the late King having wished that it will last little more than his usual mass ’ ) , we can deduce that this score , or at least this inscription , must be dated between the death of Louis XIV in September 1715 , and that of the composer , in June 1726 .
7 having expected that she would become mistress of the household and have much more freedom after her marriage , she was now disappointed on both counts .
8 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
9 Indeed , Braveman and Jarvis ( 1978 ) , having argued that their results imply separate mechanisms for the two phenomena , go on to acknowledge the possibility that their results might simply reflect the use of a test procedure that was less sensitive as a measure of conditioning than as a measure of neophobia .
10 Like Minton , he was closer to his mother , his parents having separated when he was ten .
11 On appeals against the assessments , the taxpayers having conceded that they had received an emolument as a result of participating in the concessionary fees scheme but maintaining that the cash equivalent of the benefit had to be determined under the principle of marginal costing , the special commissioner found that the school incurred no additional expenditure in educating the taxpayers ' sons other than on certain items of equipment and on food that together cost less than the concessionary fees paid and allowed the appeals .
12 Without wasting time , she managed to close the door , having noticed that he 'd removed his foot the minute he 'd become a little uncomfortable .
13 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
14 Three members of the audience were then selected at random and , having ascertained that they had no objection , were hypnotised and , while in the hypnotic state , were asked those questions which they had formerly been unable to answer .
15 Having ascertained that she would , indeed , be forced to sell fifteen per cent of SUPPLYKITS to Adam for a token amount , she added , ‘ In that case , please rewrite my will and delete all reference to Adam Grant .
16 Having accepted that she must wear it , Alexandra then set herself to dress for the pleasure of the Rectory children , throwing good taste to the winds and insisting upon hanging herself with all that glittered from the jewel box Aunt Emily had left her , its rose suede depths heaped with treasures from Richard Talbot .
17 I do n't think he will ever do another Love Story , but having accepted that his gutsy sagas are OK .
18 Having said that their newly-released album Going Blank Again is likely to be one of the better buys of the year and tonight 's showing should not have put anyone off .
19 so we staffed it but wi but we , but having said that we 've gone to Adwick
20 Yeah my problem is just erm having said that we do n't think land reform should go ahead in the south because it 's a fairly efficient set up
21 Somewhat cheekily that committee came back to us and asked us very nicely would we provide about twenty five for the force , which we thought was a cheek but having said that we 've actually looked at it and there may well be a way that we could afford it .
22 And , having said that we have n't , at this moment , approved an under-let anyway , so
23 He said : ‘ Newcastle are not unbeatable , but having said that they are a formidable team .
24 Last nights looks good tho … having said that they are at full strength … ‘ cept for Barnes .
25 But you know having said that they are there for a reason and the reason they are there for is is if the group did n't have somebody to pull them back down again then they 'd might be going off in all different directions doing all these wonderful things and ending up nowhere because you have n't had somebody who pulls them back and says well hold on a minute .
26 Having said that they do .
27 so it 's not exactly like you 're trying to put you know you 're trying to put a right hand onto a left hand , but it , it 's a certain element of that , erm having said that what do you think ?
28 Having said that my two roles models , if you like , are Jean-Pierre Rives and Michael Jones .
29 Chairman er first of all erm local is not erm having said that my straight run at the moment , erm future the decision of the erm Council Golfing Application .
30 Having said that you need not buy large quantities of any one flower , do remember that you are bound to have a certain percentage of failures in your press , no matter how hard you try .
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