Example sentences of "done [adv] and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It 's difficult to get at the timbers once you 've insulated , so get the job done properly and carry out the treatment before insulating the loft .
2 Will they assume that people engage in this ritual because they have always done so and have been conditioned into it ?
3 It will you know , you see it done once and do it once yourself .
4 If it is possible to get rid of it then do so , if not , then screen the hideous concrete with heavy planting as we have done here and grow a rampant climber over the top .
5 Fiction and drama , when they are done well and provide a convincing , realistic context in which serious crimes occur , can often enable us to imagine ourselves doing things which , in the abstract description , we would consider impossible .
6 Arguing that Glasgow wages were already higher than those in Edinburgh , and pointing out that the Glasgow printers had successfully blacked firms trying to employ women , he went on ( in rather clotted prose ) : I am satisfied that the employment of female compositors in Glasgow , while it would increase the total volume of work done there and admit of the natural development of the Glasgow book trade , would not injure the position of the Glasgow men printers , while it would enable the Glasgow printing trade , employed as well as employers , to obtain and retain work which at present ought to come to Glasgow , or at least might come to Glasgow but now goes to Edinburgh .
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