Example sentences of "though he never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The abbot of Hailes , who kept a flock of 900 head at Longborough , was accused at one point of harassing his tenants there preparatory to enclosure , though he never went through with it .
2 v. Grant , or some other authority to the same effect , and saying that by our law an offeror can be landed with a contract even though he never receives an acceptance , since the contract is held to be complete on the posting of the letter of acceptance .
3 But she worried about Jarvis having practically nothing to live on , as she saw it , though he never worried .
4 Though he never idealised it or pretended it was anything but ‘ the rude rags of nature ’ , he saw things in it to which Crabbe was completely blind or hostile , and he felt their loss when change and ‘ improvement ’ came :
5 Bob Fitzsimmons , known as ‘ Fitz ’ in boxing circles , was the only English world heavyweight champion , though he never fought in England .
6 A great stalwart , though he never thought he was all that good , oddly enough ; at the wicket , I mean . ’
7 In 1808 he entered Lincoln 's Inn and was called to the bar in 1814 though he never practised .
8 He resumed his legal studies , and was called to the bar in 1890 , as a member of the Inner Temple , though he never practised .
9 In Parliament he represented either Wootton Basset or Malmesbury from 1571 to 1597 , though he never became knight of the shire .
10 Even though he never apologized .
11 SAMUEL RESHEVSKY , the Polish-born chess player who has died in New York aged 80 , was a celebrated child prodigy , though he never fulfilled his early promise .
12 His concern for and knowledge of the NHS was widely recognised — and respected , though he never achieved the sort of ministerial office for which he was well qualified .
13 When he reached it he stood off even further and almost landed on top of it though he never felt like falling .
14 Equally , to yawn is to act bored , to admit and even to flaunt kinship with Svidligailov , and the evil-omened word listless ( vyali ) that dogs Stavrogin , though he never uses it himself , corresponds to the other man 's terminal boredom .
15 Though he never allows the piano to become clangy , and overbearing he is capable of producing a richly powerful sound .
16 Neither of them asked to see a girl called Evelyn Harris and Jackie guessed correctly that her letter had gone astray , though he never said as much to her .
17 He used to be a Keeper years ago , though he never worked in the Cages or with any of the birds , but now he 's just the Sweeper .
18 He also saw to the payment of the doctors and nurses who looked after Paul , though he never visited him , any more than Dinah did .
19 But he knew , even though he never read the papers .
20 My father , on the other hand , never went to church though he never denigrated my mother 's choice and approved of his children being raised as God-fearing .
21 But in 1132 he was back as chancellor , though he never aspired to the influence of his earlier days , and the more sober ecclesiastics of the court , in alliance with the papacy , managed to keep him out of a bishopric .
22 Throughout the summer he was playing ‘ catch-up ’ — though he never did .
23 Though he never disguised his leadership ambitions , he continued to deny that it was his intention to challenge the Prime Minister .
24 Though he never forgave me , or my mother for having helped me , both into his world and out of it , he was sufficiently my father to let sleeping dogs lie .
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