Example sentences of "though he [vb past] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 But she does , Mark thought , though he said nothing .
2 He was not clever or epigrammatic in the Union manner and only occasionally witty , but always spoke as though he had something to contribute to the debate .
3 As though he had something bad-smelling on his shoes .
4 All at once , a dignified Jeff was walking towards her and Guido , looking Guido straight in the eye as though he had nothing to fear .
5 Then the English clerk gently asked the befuddled Alexander his questions , though he learnt nothing new .
6 So it was Jones ' motivation — the possibility that fusion was at work within the Earth and possibly responsible for its heat , even though he saw none directly , that the University of Utah felt could derail priority for their own heat measurements .
7 It also very much sounded as though he knew something she did n't , which was not a situation she liked .
8 His table was lavish , his welcome open and generous , they could hardly have fallen into richer pastures after all these vexations ; and yet Hugh continued throughout the meal curiously alert , as though he expected something unforeseen to happen at any moment , and divert events into some wild course at a tangent , just when Prior Robert , at least , was beginning to believe his troubles over .
9 How quiet and calm they appeared , though he sensed something was wrong .
10 He held her in his arms , still and warm , and after a while in that darkness he felt as though he held nothing at all ; it was like when a limb , having been left in the same position for too long a time , somehow loses all reference to the body , and for those instants before some willed movement the very location and attitude of that arm or leg is quite unknown .
11 It should be noted that ( a ) where the accused 's behaviour falls within s.2(1) , Ghosh is irrelevant : Wootton , above ; ( b ) that the accused may act dishonestly even though he did something which the civil law allows him to do , such as retain the overpayment of a bet ( Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 ) ; and ( c ) that as a result of Lawrence v DPP , above , a person may be dishonest despite the fact that the owner has consented to the appropriation .
12 Well , he enjoyed every moment of it , as though he liked nothing better than a brawl .
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