Example sentences of "though it [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Further , British Rail , for example , would be distinguished from a Type B non-profit , even though it receives substantial capital and revenue grants from the Government .
2 We can make fear choices , which lead us to cling to the past — ‘ I hate my job , but I wo n't find anything better , so I 'd better stick to it ’ , ‘ I always eat hamburger and chips on Thursdays ’ , ‘ I 'd like to know Chris better , but I 'm sure s/he wo n't be interested in me ’ — or growth choices , in which we reach for the future — ‘ I hate my job , so I 'll start applying for others , even though it feels scary ’ , ‘ Maybe I 'll try spaghetti bolognese tonight ’ , ‘ What have I got to lose ?
3 Gordon Smith , Caledonian 's sales director — the company is increasing its sponsorship though it remains coy on an amount — said it viewed the association with Currie as long term .
4 Since personality arises out of social interaction its structure is not reducible to organic structure even though it remains dependent upon the whole psychoendocrine and neural system of a human being .
5 The pH of a soil , though it sounds mysterious and scientific , is simply the name for the scale which determines the quantities of chemical particles ( hydrogen ions ) contained in the soil solution , more or less of which make the soil acid or alkaline .
6 Carbon fibre tubes have cured much of this ; but the fourth bridle line is used on larger sport kites even though it requires accurate adjustment to balance with the other lines .
7 It will be observed that this definition , though it lays considerable and perhaps disproportionate stress on the contractual nature of the shareholder 's rights , also emphasises the fact that he has an interest in the company .
8 Cultivation Mallows of all kinds are often seen growing on waste ground and beside fields and footpaths , and the marshmallow is no exception , though it favours wet places , especially salt-marshes .
9 Aleksandrova 's ( 1980 ) bipolar classification is primarily geobotanical , though it recognizes similar boundaries and differs mainly in nomenclature .
10 Nevertheless , it is perhaps premature to regard object-oriented design as a comprehensive methodology , though it has potential to become one .
11 And something I have not seen anywhere else , though it makes good sense , is that in these mainly narrow streets , the shops have their signs strung out at right-angles across the way so that you can stand at one end and read their names from there , without having to go down to look at them one by one .
12 Olivetti will continue to supply Hitachi Ltd mainframes in Italy , though it expects top-of-the-range Alpha systems to take sales away from the Japanese kit .
13 So long as there is a full right of appeal against a refusal of leave — a right which the present Government sought , at one stage , to abolish — this handicap is acceptable , even though it places public authorities in a more privileged position than the ordinary litigant .
14 That 's why I 've got to try , even though it looks hopeless .
15 First , typing : will give you a text-based ( though it looks graphical ) map of all the subdirectories on the current drive ( see the screenshot ) .
16 Most frequently found on limestone in the wild , it is adaptable to most soils in the garden though it prefers rich and well-drained sites .
17 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
18 Back in Europe he once again faded into the shadows , though it seems probable he attended the Congress of Oppressed Nationalities in Brussels , along with Nehru and Hatta .
19 But even this , Wemmick decides to keep to his life at Walworth and not let it be mentioned in Little Britain which even though it seems odd , stays within the boundaries of his character which Dickens has been building on .
20 Nagel 's profound point is that even where the agent is at the mercy of fate , and though it seems irrational upon reflection , our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without attributing to the agent responsibility and culpability in a wide range of cases of moral luck .
21 In terms of the performance of the economy as a whole it is not entirely clear what the impact of regional disparities is , though it seems plausible that congestion in the south east and the under-utilisation of resources elsewhere represent a net loss to the economy overall .
22 While Leopold recovered the family had to live without income , though it seems likely that Mozart made use of the interlude to compose his first symphonies .
23 The truth was never revealed , though it seems likely that Lothar suffered an injustice .
24 Such important parameters as age at maturation and longevity are unknown , though it seems likely that krill breed two or three times in a lifespan of three to five years .
25 The exact divisions remain uncertain , though it seems clear that rivers such as the Thames could have represented boundaries .
26 It has few exemptions , though it sets annual ceilings on how much individual patients pay .
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