Example sentences of "point in [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's no point in hanging round here , ’ she said .
2 ‘ We did n't see any point in hanging around .
3 ‘ We did n't see any point in hanging around .
4 I went to the hospital with him , but there was no point in hanging around .
5 I do n't think there 's much point in hanging around . ’
6 ‘ No point in hanging around , cariad .
7 Like Douglas , I see no point in setting up a false theoretical dichotomy between ‘ us ’ , and ‘ them ’ , creating separate realms and polarities of modern and archaic thought , for I anticipate my inclusion of the concept of self can help link the tribalism which haunts the police defensiveness to an understanding of their ‘ modern ’ beliefs , modes of thought , and action .
8 Unless a writer is eligible to join the PRS as a publisher member ( in addition to being a songwriting member ) there is little point in setting up a new publishing company .
9 The question was then what should be done with it — and there was no point in setting up the collection unless it was going to be a working library .
10 ‘ There would be no point in setting out for a star if you did n't know how far away it was . ’
11 There is no point in setting out your case and then sending the only copy to the opposition .
12 Despite the dangers , however , there seems some point in setting out such information as can be given about the terms and even if the results are ultimately inconclusive , in order to help to define the problem .
13 She made a mental note to check the tariff later with the receptionist — there would be little point in living so comfortably for a few weeks if the bill swallowed most of her wages at the end of it .
14 There is no point in sending out actual photographs with every press release , but a clear photocopy will give the reporter a good idea of the building and may persuade his editor to send a photographer to take special pictures for the newspaper .
15 No point in stoppin' now . ’
16 But there was no point in mooning around until then .
17 ‘ No point in getting up .
18 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
19 What 's the point in getting really hungry .
20 He 's , well not necessarily made his mind but you can suggest that he might , may have done and also it seems that Alfiera is slightly half hearted in the way he erm like tries to convince Eddie cos it seems that i it , I get the feeling that Alfiera already knows and just thinking well there 's no point in getting really het up about it , so he , he tries , he says look it 's not a good idea but in the end
21 ‘ Even so , there 's little point in staying here .
22 ‘ What is the point in staying here ?
23 If Deveraugh was going to persist in trailing her every move , there was no point in staying here .
24 I knew then that is she was in that kind of mood there was no point in staying around .
25 Well you know really I ca n't , I ca n't see any point in staying around here myself , yeah , it 's just my mum really , if anything happened to her then I 'll move you know I 'd move from Newcastle , Stoke On Trent area
26 Thiercelin should soon be returned anyway , when there would be little point in staying any longer .
27 Since we could barely stand up or speak there was little point in dropping in on Ted and Theresia , although perhaps they would n't have noticed much difference in my case , given as they are to ply me with drink .
28 If , following such consultation , the board of a private company did not agree to the proposed buy-out , there would be little point in proceeding further in the absence of a willing vendor .
29 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
30 But what 's the point in stocking up ,
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