Example sentences of "seen as [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to influence supplier costs , price and conditions of delivery may be seen as worth the extra managerial , administrative and quality assurance cost incurred in buying from a large number of small suppliers ; * large customers who pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment for goods or services received .
2 In fact they may be seen as at the root of practically all marital and sexual dissonance .
3 Parliament is seen as at the controlling centre of the state .
4 Notions of responsibility were still seen as of the essence , and the permanent , civil service , side of the state machine was still kept from focus .
5 Policies must also be seen as to a considerable extent products of other policies .
6 In some ways I am seen as beyond the pale , but it is the newer MPs who I feel most sorry for .
7 An office which is assiduous about publication and publicity , but which is often seen as outside the dialogues of current architectural concern in the USA , deserves a more judicious appraisal then it has received , here or elsewhere .
8 General ideologies , in their full depth and elaboration , have indeed to be seen as among the most remarkable forms of collective cultural production .
9 Whether he or she is welcome or not in the situation ( and , according to circumstance and the individual part of each member in it , the " Welfare " will be seen as a saving and succouring agency , an interfering nuisance or an outright threat ) , the social worker is usually seen as in a position of some power — as in a position to alter the situation or at least to make some expert attempt to alter it .
10 Since a Prime Minister without a majority in the Commons is an impossibility , he or she is seen as in a position to make any law he or she sees as fit .
11 In a three-quarter view of the head the knot of hair at the back of the head is seen as in a profile view , and the double outline of the foremost shoulder gives the impression that the top of it has been tipped up into the picture plane .
12 Of course , there is the recognition that there are certain issues of no moment to business ( such as abortion , or capital punishment ) , but within their particular sphere of concern the Left regards the business interest as overwhelmingly influential , and trade unions ( in particular ) are seen as in an inferior position .
13 There is one sort of Chinese perspective , seen as in the West from a level viewpoint , but this is only one of three treatments of space representation .
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