Example sentences of "high as [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 All the livelong day ’ and kick as high as they could .
2 However , those assault tanks were now concentrating las-cannon fire on the other Titans , raking upwards as high as they could — at fairings , legs , and belly — so that those Titans marched through a dancing aurora of writhing spider-lightning .
3 From the point when the water first burst the banks and began to rise up the gardens of the properties it was mainly a battle against he clock to try to stack everything as high as they could and take up the carpets .
4 So even although the dogs ' questing noses sniffed at the scent trail on the wall as high as they could reach on their hind legs , there was no dangling rope to draw their attention upwards to the figures on the roof .
5 If I was a bird , I 'd fly real high — as high as I could — close to the sun where I 'd be warm .
6 I 'd heard Joe Walsh and Pete Townshend used them quite heavy , and I rather liked the tone they got , so I slowly built it up until I got up as high as I could be comfortable with , and I 've been using that gauge ever since . ’
7 You know , that 's in the days when I was seventeen year old , I could go'n stick a fork into a truss weighing into eleven stone and pitch thet up high as you like with a fork , as high as I could reach .
8 ‘ This much , ’ the Inca reputedly replied , his arm indicating a line as high as he could reach .
9 The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength , and more strength he had just summoned , into the fish 's side just behind the great chest fill that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man 's chest .
10 He told Beattie to climb as high as he could and watch what happened , but not to join in the fighting .
11 ‘ We 'll make a proper job of this ! ’ she declared , and putting her fist into the crown , she forced it up as high as she could push it , and wore the resulting sombrero for the rest of the term .
12 Grinning conspiratorially , she reached up as high as she could , contorting her small body but not quite jumping .
13 She had to stand on her toes and reach up as high as she could with a walking-stick in order to hook the hat off the peg , and even then she only just made it .
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