Example sentences of "high as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You are as high as a 10-storey building .
2 Aunt Goldie points to a moon-faced infant in a perambulator as high as a royal coach .
3 As high as a 30 storey building , it then extends above a sea level , clearing the 100 year storm level and forms the base structure housing accommodation areas , power plants , processing equipment , helideck and other topside modules .
4 In fact steel is exceptional in sometimes reaching strengths as high as a tenth of its calculated strength ; the great majority of common solids can show only a hundredth or a thousandth of what theory indicates .
5 By 1970 the generosity of tax concessions for new investment was such that they wiped out the effect of corporation tax and rendered the post-tax rate of profit virtually as high as the pre-tax rate .
6 The joint team established that the temperature of the electrons in the T-3 tokamak really was as high as the Soviet scientists estimated they were on the basis of their less-direct measurements .
7 The findings showed the Anglo-Saxon nave was as wide and as long and almost as high as the present one , which was built by the Normans .
8 But the findings showed the Anglo-Saxon nave was as wide and as long and almost as high as the present Norman one .
9 Breaking off a stout twig , he curled a foot under the window 's lower edge and lifted it as high as the rusty hinges would allow .
10 I suppose on the studio engineer evolutionary scale I rate about as high as the average amoeba , which makes me the perfect test pilot for this series of videos .
11 Log paper comes in several numbers of cycles ; the specimen in figure 11.6 contains three cycles , allowing the highest number to be as much as 10 3 or 1000 times as high as the smallest ; four cycle paper would allow it to be as much as 10 4 or 10,000 times as high .
12 A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the wood , and she was looking at a sea of green leaves .
13 Only in areas of very high unemployment was there any substantial proportion for whom the ending of temporary jobs was the reason for unemployment ( it was given by nearly 14 per cent of the sample in areas where unemployment was at least twice as high as the national average ) .
14 Indeed , 22.4 per cent of the migrants could be defined as return migrants ( Shaw , 1984 ) and although this is n't as high as the 30 to 40 per cent rates recorded in north Norway ( Nicholson , 1975 ) it is much higher than the 5.5 per cent found in northwest Ireland ( Foeken , 1980 ) , and very different from the situation in northern Scotland where Jones et al .
15 erm My cause for concern , and I think it 's one that 's been echoed in a number of places , is the still very high figure for food-poisoning outbreaks , for food-poisoning cases , erm you 'll see we 're not as high as the previous comparable half-year of last year , which was ninety-two , but that included the Keble outbreak , which you 're well aware of , but at thirty-two for Oxford for a half year , that 's a very high figure .
16 Interest rates had risen in recent months as high as an annualized rate of 1,200 per cent as banks struggled to retain their funds , and the move initially froze the savings of thousands of Argentinians and also affected major corporations .
17 If it goes as high as an additional half a million each year then the structural management fund will not last through the three years .
18 Soon , however , a new controversy arose when it seemed to some zoologists and paleontologists that even the large dinosaurs could very well have had a high running speed , at least as high as an equivalent sized modern mammal .
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