Example sentences of "fact is [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But the sad fact is that Peter Rochford latterly lived alone .
2 Whatever your opinion , the incontrovertible fact is that Sinead O'Connor is a woman of great passion and conviction , an absolute believer that truth will triumph over lies , right over wrong , love over hate .
3 The fact is that Israel , the Arab states , including the new State of Palestine , the United States and the Soviet Union have different interpretations .
4 And one of the most ironic features of the present debate as a matter of fact is that Steve Gould , who 's been the most vocal exponent of the punctuationist view , and indeed of the view that there 's something really quite special about the specification of them , his own field work is concerned with a mollusc snail called serin erm from the West Indies , which , when it was first described by anatomists , was classified into several genera and several hundreds of different species .
5 Despite all the hurrahs about Europe from marquandistas in London , the plain economic fact is that Europe has the worst unemployment record in the industrial world , and the construction of Europe with an enduring 10 per cent out of work leaves a permanent 10 per cent unlikely to vote at all , or , if they do vote , to vote racist .
6 Having said that , the fact is that Mrs X is company secretary and therefore a company employee .
7 In a perfect world , perhaps that would be the case , but the fact is that Japan is at present responsible for some of the finest guitars available , and the Fuji Gen factory , from which the Starfield Japanese range comes , is home to the best of the best .
8 The fact is that Schubert 's Symphonies are appallingly badly served at present , with the exception of the ‘ Unfinished ’ and ‘ Great ’ , although there too my heart tends to sink at the memory of even some of the established ‘ best buys ’ .
9 Optimistic assessments aside , the fact is that Bull 's role as a hardware manufacturer continues to weigh financially on its potentially more profitable ventures .
10 Yet the fact is that Poland 's industrial production figures for March 1990 are 30% down on last year and the minister of labour , Jacek Kuron , forecasts 1.7m unemployed by the end of the year .
11 The fact is that Brendan himself never fought an election here , ’ said one strategist , through taut lips .
12 The salient fact is that Wigg believed , and believed with great intensity , that Profumo had lied to him and for that reason was a suitable object for punishment in fanning the flame of the sexual scandal .
13 Whatever its economic intent , the fact is that Mosley 's fascist movement became associated with the type of violence and anti-Semitism which had become the hallmark of European fascism .
14 The fact is that Dame Maggie alone owns to charisma , a responsibility which she bears with easy , unpretentious authority , dominating the stage whether bestriding it or merely sitting by idly .
15 I do n't know what I think in view of what you say , Mary , go into to great detail as to what went wrong with this , erm because I can cut that short because the fact is that Russell eventually admitted that this programme simply was n't viable .
16 The fact is that Jackie is so fully occupied , every minute of the day , every day of the year , that he is under a sort of compulsion to do everything , including talk , faster than anyone else .
17 But the fact is that Lazar Berman 's Liszt Transcendental Studies , one of the great piano recordings ( EMI , 2/76 ) still awaiting transfer to CD , together with the rarity of his appearances outside Russia in the 1960s and early 1970s , made the label almost unavoidable .
18 The third fact is that Paddy Ashdown 's Liberal Democrats have failed to establish themselves as a national political force .
19 The plain fact is that Syria , together with the principal promoters of the Arab League ‘ peace plan ’ such as the US and Saudi Arabia , and its reluctant supporters such as France , have taken fright at its enforcement .
20 The simple fact is that Ford can not begin to exercise its stated intention of building a significant stake in Jaguar for another two weeks .
21 But the fact is that Courtney 's dealing the hand of an unborn baby as well as her own .
22 Tony Visconti : ‘ The fact is that David Bowie was becoming more and more disenchanted with Pitt .
23 If I can try to link the hon. Gentleman 's supplementary question to the Community , the fact is that Cyprus has applied for membership of the European Economic Community .
24 The fact is that Orwell 's route takes us through a largely white part of England .
25 The London Morning Chronicle editorialised on 16 December , 1816 that Mr Stephenson , ‘ an ingenious but illiterate mechanic ’ had made a contribution , but ‘ the real fact is that Sir Humphry 's contrivance is simple , convenient and efficacious .
26 The fact is that Mr Kinnock and his friends understand well enough not only that they could not be elected but that Britain could not be governed without some serious accommodations of the kind they now stand for .
27 And the plain fact is that Hector is n't . ’
28 The important fact is that President Yeltsin is there now , and we have an obligation to assist him ; it is in our own interests to do so .
29 The stark fact is that Nottinghamshire could not afford to do both and generated local controversy by protecting the vertical efficiency of the developmental approach at the expense of fieldwork support for the many .
30 That 's supposedly averaged in , yes , the fact is that Jenny and I both put in something like , well , it was five , forty , forty five hours plus technically that is classified as forty five hours class contact a week
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