Example sentences of "men [Wh pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They 've sent me flowers and choclates , and they 've expressed a desire to accommodate the two young men who 've done this at their own institutions
2 For men who 've seen so much they 'd rather forget , this at least , was a day to remember
3 I 've talked to other men who 've fiddled samples , you have to go to course about laws , rules , regulations to do with dust and once lads got talking it comes out how it 's happening .
4 The legs belong to the men who 've organized the hunt .
5 From 1965 , when hanging was abolished to 1987 , thirty- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? people have died at the hands of men who 've killed before , served a prison sentence and been released .
6 From 1965 , when hanging was abolished to 1987 , thirty- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? people have died at the hands of men who 've killed before , served a prison sentence and been released .
7 Marina Cantacuzino meets three men who 've sought help on the therapist 's couch .
8 Men who 've had lots of girlfriends do settle down .
9 there 's four men who 've had a dull headache and they can not er you know
10 One of the rising stars of motor racing has been to meet the men who 've put him and his car back in the running for success .
11 She thinks we 're perverts , condemned by the Church , men who 've allowed their normal natures to be twisted by depraved men .
12 You do read terrible stories in the papers every day of men who 've murdered their wives , get off even though they 've chopped their wives into a hundred bits , driven to the Lake District overnight , dumped the body and gone back
13 Even in villages , I known men who 've worked abroad fitting them up in in er Germany and in France and in Italy , one of whom went to night school in Germany to learn the language t to get on better , he was there to receive machines .
14 It follows the publication of medical research which says men who 've worked for the Atomic Energy Authority and may have been exposed to certain radioactive materials have more than twice the normal risk of developing prostate cancer .
15 Coilus escaped and retreated eastwards with those of his men who had survived .
16 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
17 In 1932 he edited Escapers All , derived from a series of talks given by men who had escaped from prisoner-of-war camps .
18 How much more pleasing to the eye and the higher senses were the gleaming unbroached jars in the pantry , and how I suddenly hated the men who had assured me that in their attentions lay my fulfilment .
19 The railroad embankment was gone and the men who had cowered behind it and finally , when the water came , clung to the rails , were all gone with it .
20 He finished by telling Ho about the terrified middle-aged couple and the men who had covered the Worm 's tracks — men headed by Ray Shepherd .
21 He listened to Nigel Cramer for several minutes , nodded and gave his own orders to the dozen men who had clambered out of the second and third helicopters .
22 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
23 Out own men are still on the critical list , " he added , but Katherine was n't interested in the condition of the two men who had gone to Hyde 's rooms two days ago looking for her son .
24 She played back the messages on her answerphone and jotted down the numbers and names of the men who had called : Tony , Ali , Geoff , and Junior .
25 The two Governors after Paullinus were diplomats and administrators and not like the military men who had caused so much havoc .
26 They were almost all men who had risen from the lower middle or even working class .
27 Also Branson was unable to identify the Clarkes and Bartholomew as the men who had broken into his home .
28 Many of the mourners were young men who had grown up with her sons .
29 The young men who had grown to manhood in the past fourteen years had had no experience of war , and little of fighting , other than the kind that might break out between neighbours , or the kind they saw during their service at court , when a raid on coast or frontier had to be repelled , or the King 's justice enforced .
30 Among the men who had joined Dulé on Oualie were also many who resembled him in body , square-shouldered , chestnut-coloured men with good balance .
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