Example sentences of "took [pers pn] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as we were married he took me off to Scotland , kept me there in virtual purdah , never let me out of his sight — his jealousy was manic .
2 He admitted : ‘ Lawrie McMenemy took me off at half- time in Spain after I 'd been booked .
3 No , I took them off of her , she gave them to me
4 You know when you flick them out and the teachers took them off of them .
5 We watched them get into a small carriage which took them off to their new residence .
6 The taxi took them off to a small restaurant , and with everywhere seeming crowded to full capacity Fabia guessed , when they were straight away shown to a table , that Ven must have had the forethought to book in advance .
7 Gaily selected the tools and took them off down the path to the back-gate .
8 Mrs Denham wore heavily-rimmed glasses , and she took them off from time to time , restlessly , as she talked : the crows ' feet round her eyes were deeply scored , and her eyes without their glasses had a distant , worried look , as though committed to far other fields of concentration .
9 Haverford got up early , sat in the garden jotting away until , as often as not , Don Marco arrived in a small rattling car and took him off on an unknown errand .
10 His stumbling gait took him off in all directions except the one he wanted to go in .
11 Whilst there Norman had his twenty-first birthday , a fact he announced to a girl he met in a café and who took him off around Antwerp in celebration , on a journey of discovery that lasted two days .
12 He certainly liked Alix , and after the demo he took her off for lunch in a pub and then for a walk to his room in King 's , where he showed her his pots and his paintings .
13 she says er I 'm er guaranteed , she says oh no you 're not , she says Ruth 's told me last week to take you off guarantee , so they took her off like
14 I was wearing I had the , the stethoscope behind my neck and I took it off for something , I was holding it up to try and get a better
15 And I thought he 'd have given it in or something , well Mrs would have took it off of her children .
16 So they took it off of him .
17 In the end , my knitting was getting so chewed with all the knitting and unravelling that I took it off on waste yarn .
18 Our instructor took us off into the unknown for the next few hours , where we experienced ice , spring snow , powder and crud .
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