Example sentences of "often [vb base] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the constraints of women 's lifestyles and their domestic and family responsibilities often mean that they are effectively discriminated against in terms of availability for election and service .
2 Partners , particularly in the smaller of the merging firms , often fear that they will lose out in the merger — even to the extent of having to leave the merged firm .
3 On a first tank you may choose to cut cables to length and glue the cable tidy to the side of the tank — however as you get more experienced and acquire more tanks you often realise that you 'll be moving kit about a lot , and leave the full length of cable in place on the item so that it 's more adaptable .
4 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
5 Teachers often report that they completely switch off at the beginning of the holidays , or sleep for abnormally long periods of time for several days .
6 Clients often report that they stop seeing themselves as abnormal when they meet others in a similar situation .
7 ‘ We often say that we are looking for the intention of Parliament , but that is not quite accurate .
8 Lord Browne-Wilkinson quotes the observation of Lord Reid that ‘ we often say that we are looking for the intention of Parliament but that is not quite accurate .
9 Team leaders often say that they could have gone faster on their own .
10 Mothers often say that they say the same things over and over again and end up losing their tempers in order to get a response .
11 While it does seem to be a little less pernicious , in that male respondents less often say that they want to marry only a woman who is a virgin than they used to , it is still alive and well in that women are more often criticized than men for engaging in non-marital sexual activity .
12 Disabled patients who speak well of their doctors often say that they spend time with them , they listen , are helpful , visit regularly and are reliable .
13 On the other , members often say that they do n't feel involved ; that committees do all the work without reference to them .
14 John has some mysterious tales to tell about the castle : ‘ Visitors often say that they can smell newly-baked bread in the drawing room in the eastern tower .
15 When interpreting statutes the courts often announce that they are trying to discover ‘ the intention of the legislature . ’
16 Parents often complain that they can only get help or support when they have identified themselves as having a specific problem , and it is not unusual for some families to have several different workers trying to offer support and advice on specific problems which , in reality , are part of a whole situation .
17 ( ii ) Verbal clues : historians often indicate that they are about to substantiate or qualify a main point through the use of particular words and phrases .
18 People not familiar with Cheltenham often assume that it has been a large bustling town for a long time .
19 When reviewers criticise software for not including such a facility the manufacturers often reply that it 's only journalists who are interested in this feature and that ‘ ordinary users ’ find a word count irrelevant .
20 We often find that we have already tackled the problem and have a solution ready and waiting .
21 He or she can feel a very real , very deep sense of nausea at the intrusion , and often find that they can no longer regard their house as home .
22 Governments which maintain fixed exchange rates often find that they are compelled to use expenditure-reducing fiscal and monetary policies in the attempt to control inflation and to reduce spending on imported goods and services .
23 ‘ By contrast , talking to small and medium-sized businesses in the South-East I often find that they have only ever experienced one recession the current one and it can prove fatal . ’
24 Pilots , and even instructors , often believe that they have good judgement and can land accurately anywhere because they can manage on their own site .
25 Golfers often state that they can not concentrate on all their swing ideas at the same time .
26 I often feel that they are disappointed in me .
27 Girls , particularly in their final year of study , often feel that they are expected to become engaged .
28 For one thing , they often feel that they must hide their condition in order not to appear foolish in the eyes of others .
29 Submissive people often feel that they are not nice people if they say ‘ No ’ .
30 Women often feel that they are not at risk because they do not feel themselves to be associated with any of the so called ‘ high risk groups ’ and , although we are encouraged to have safer sex , AIDS does not really seem to be an issue for us .
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