Example sentences of "often [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sulphamic acid is often blended with a non-ionic detergent for use in descaling expensive equipment such as dishwashing machines and as an acid wash in ‘ clean-in-place ’ systems after the use of an alkali machine detergent .
2 When the young arrive they often remain with the parents until they are fully , or nearly fully , grown .
3 Since one essential quality of a good toastmaster is a loud voice , ( which often goes with an imposing , extrovert personality ) they will get attention faster than you can ( an alternative way to get the attention of the audience is to ask the band , if you have one , to do a drum roll for you ) .
4 A smaller-growing , more compact form , the Portland roses , are closely related and are often listed with the Damasks .
5 Finally , cattle could be stolen for adventure , often tinged with a desire for revenge .
6 To enable this type of dirt to be removed it is often treated with a chemical to convert .
7 By 1917 , there were three trends among the emerging political leadership of the more significant Muslim peoples — a religious right ( with the mullahs and a landowning interest ) , a liberal centre ( westernized , sometimes associated with merchant or business groups , and aligned with the Kadets in Petrograd ) , and a socialist group ( among the Russian-educated young , often aligned with the Social Revolutionaries ) .
8 The smooth , high back-wall of the local frontôn , often painted with a pink or ruddy wash , and sometimes framing the dark blocks of stone of the lower , narrower wall it has replaced , is the most striking of all evidences of Basqueness ; you know you have left the real Basque country when you realize the villages no longer have a frontón in the middle of them .
9 Home-made enguli and similar home-made drinks in other East African countries can be dangerous since the second fraction is often contaminated with the toxic first and third fractions .
10 It is a continuous process that those blacks like myself , who have moved up ( in a manner of speaking ) in society , have very often to contend with the labels that not only do we carry ‘ chips on our shoulders ’ , but we are over-sensitive to racial issues … .
11 ‘ The blackbird 's song is varied , longer phrased , melodic , flute-like , often ending with a flourish . ’
12 Lesser Short-toed Lark Song a simple sustained repetition of a few musical notes , often ending with a wistful phrase recalling Willow Warbler ( p. 237 ) , usually uttered in aerial display with bird bobbing up and down like a slowly manipulated yo-yo , and with no final plumb drop .
13 running from home : most frequently given reasons were — lack of understanding within the family , problems arising from separation , divorce or remarriage of parents , breakdown in communication , trying to trace absent natural parent , rows and arguments often ending with the youngster being thrown out , violence at home often accompanied by drunkenness , other physical or sexual abuse , and bullying at school .
14 The 11th segment is present in the adults of the lower orders where its tergum is represented by the epiproct above the anus ( often fused with the 10th tergum ) , while vestiges of its sternum are seen in the paraprocts which lie on either side of the anus ( Fig. 42 ) .
15 He is not said to have been holy , and looks like a successful career churchman , often occupied with the king 's business , and willing to contravene church law by practising pluralism .
16 The satellite data have been processed to enhance subtle variations in vegetation density which in this sort of terrain often correlate with the availability of ground moisture .
17 Data from Landsat Thematic Mapper ( TM ) imagery have been processed to enhance subtle variations in vegetation density : in semiarid terrain such variations often correlate with the availability of ground moisture .
18 In art , she is often depicted with a cat 's head while carrying a shield and rattle , to frighten away thunder-storms , and a basket to carry grain .
19 Coatlique is often depicted with a child in her arms , and the first man was thought to have sprung from her as a result of divine conception .
20 Her bad temper was notorious , and she was often depicted with a beard and a bow and arrow , testifying to her warlike character .
21 It would seem that in Capadocea they were even converted to Christianity for , in that region , St Christopher is often depicted with a dog 's head .
22 The god of the dead spirits , Chontamenti ( He Who Is In The Utmost West ) , is often depicted with the head of a dog or jackal and newly dead spirits sometimes assume this form also , howling as the cortege passes .
23 Wet moorlands — more correctly known as blanket bogs — often vegetated with a heather/cotton grass/cross-leaved heath or purple moor grass/deer sedge plant community , are not usually amenable to agricultural development on a significant scale .
24 Since I started as an engineer , and have ended as a biologist , I am struck by the similarities between the two ways of thinking , although there is the difference that an engineer starts with a function to be performed , and designs a structure to perform it , whereas a biologist often starts with a structure , and has to work out the function it is performing .
25 Unlike the natural sciences , where discussion often starts with the results and ignores the methodology of the research , the social sciences — and increasingly anthropology — have developed an elaborate argument about the practices of doing research .
26 Student participation in their own education often starts with the construction of their own classrooms .
27 In developing work in the classroom one 's own expectations and experiences often interfere with a child 's progress and it is important to be aware of this and exercise self control .
28 Because of their position they often interfere with the bit and are sometimes even broken by the bit .
29 Most identified turning points in terms of crises in family relationships , often connected with a change in financial circumstances .
30 The charity sets up projects , often connected with the arts , to persuade people to value their surroundings , regardless of whether they are unusual or not .
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