Example sentences of "often [verb] of as " in BNC.

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1 A ministry that we do n't often think of as a ministry .
2 Although the English landscape park is often thought of as a creation of the eighteenth century , by William Kent , Capability Brown and Humphry Repton , many country house parks are much older in origin , and in numerous instances are marked on Elizabethan
3 The period of cohabitation is often thought of as a trial marriage .
4 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
5 Whilst you 're a student , you may find that you 're often thought of as a stereotype — hardworking , humourless academic , single-minded radical or easy-living perpetual partygoer .
6 Given that science is often thought of as a laboratory-based activity , rather than as a " bookish " subject , it is interesting to note that in three of the four schools , science departments had pioneered activities to develop basic library and information retrieval skills as part of their lower-school curriculum .
7 I think it 's often thought of as a way of men getting rid of their aggression and if they can go out there on a Saturday and shout and ball and scream , then that 's fine !
8 This period is often thought of as a failure in British politics , of failure to cope with the rise of Hitler and Mussolini abroad and a failure to deal with unemployment at home .
9 As already mentioned , spreadsheets are often thought of as the key number crunching application and therefore benefit most from a numeric coprocessor .
10 Party membership is often thought of as a static phenomenon .
11 Vocational education is often thought of as the acquisition of knowledge and skills directly applicable to the job ; but in most posts what is required is not so much the acquisition of a skill as progressive development in the fields of human relations , of judgment , and of general educational standards .
12 Reflection is often thought of as a backward looking process .
13 The adverbs here and there are often thought of as simple contrasts on a proximal/distal dimension , stretching away from the speaker 's location , as in : ( 72 ) Bring that here and take this there But this is only sometimes so , for although there basically means " distal from speaker 's location at CT " , it can also be used to mean " proximal to addressee at RT " .
14 Mak says the Chinese population is often thought of as a ‘ silent community ’ which looks after its own .
15 Erm I mean kids can do , of a similar age , can do enormously abusive things to each-other in which case it 's often thought of as things like bulling or erm or or something like that y'know I mean for example I know somebody who attende was educated at Rugby and you know he was he was buggered silly by the other boys who also wired him up to the mains and stuck billiard cues up his bum and all sort of things .
16 Photons are often spoken of as ‘ packets of energy ’ .
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