Example sentences of "do [be] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Said Barrow : ‘ What we must do is take confidence from those results .
2 What I might do is steal credit cards and use them .
3 But , with the prospect of a GATT trade deal already clouded by Mr Clinton 's dithering , the last thing he should do is damage world economic relations further by failing to prevent an international tax war .
4 Initially what we should all do is go back and look at those draft guidelines for the registration of nursing homes and be prepared to pull them to pieces , not so much for what they are saying but for what they are not saying and ought to be saying in order to be relevant .
5 And the first thing you can do is fetch water so that I may wash off the city dust before I change my dress . "
6 What the media should not do is cause friction and division within society and especially it should not encourage opposition or resistance to government decrees .
7 ‘ All we can do is keep pace on this side until we see what will happen .
8 All I could do was watch television .
9 I wanted to run out and scream , but Mum had the key and all I could do was stand stock still , listening to the thumping of my heart .
10 She said something to me , a simple introduction , but all I could do was stare open-mouthed at her .
11 Dear me I think Daryll was hoping the roof things the best they can do was Saturday morning .
12 All you could do was show warmth and love and affection , and continue to " be there " to pick up the bits .
13 Gillroy and Davies hit the roof several times before managing to strap themselves down in the cabin , where all they could do was sit ashen-faced and pray .
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