Example sentences of "much the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is much the sternest test to date of trainer Andy Turnell 's confidence that Country Member is a top staying handicapper in the making .
2 These are marked by lusty singing and strong rhythms and reflect very much the extrovert nature of the worshippers .
3 The problem was not so much the offensive content of the material , since there was no one who was not familiar with it .
4 It is not so much the Western origin of new component technologies as their gestation in the West 's civilian sectors which must pose the most vexing questions for Soviet policy makers and their orthodoxies .
5 His Great Backpacking Adventure ( also OIP ) is a narrative of some of his backpacking trips , and this very much the practical manual on such efforts .
6 The tries , three in the first half , when the USA had the wind advantage , were well taken , leaving the USA to ponder how a game where they had parity in the scrums and very much the upper hand out of touch , winning the lines-out 16–5 , could have been lost by such a comprehensive margin .
7 Daniele might be running the team for 1976 , but Niki and Clay Regazzoni had very much the upper hand .
8 The obvious thing to consider before buying a unit such as this is how much the equivalent BOSS pedals would cost .
9 Indeed , the party might well stay in power unless the Liberals win outright since it has much the better chance of putting together a coalition with other parties .
10 I mean if you 're honest a lot of these were really first or second draft erm manuscripts I think and er er you really got to get , if you 're going to submit something like this it has to be er it has to be absolutely watertight and you have to say exactly what it is that you want to say , erm some of the criticism I 've , I 'm not gon na mention people 's names , but I 'm just remind myself er , a whole lot of you for some reason erm , con construct things in sort of note form I suppose this being undergraduates that helps this and , and , but you construct things with single sentence paragraphs so that actually you get a whole list of sentences without any linking between them and that is terribly disjointed reading and with an account like that , when you 've finished reading it , you sort of have to shake your head and think well what did the person actually say , and when it 's actually looking for er a little bit of prose , the in addition some of your con your sentences are in , extraordinarily complex , you start off in a sentence and you actually lose your way in the middle of it , I mean the simple sentence 's much the better thing , I mean I seem to remember being told by subject , object verb , in a sentence , they must have those , those , those things , well very often you 'll have a sentence which starts with er a particular noun and as , as a subject and then finishes up with the same no noun or , or , or subject or , or maybe it 's become the object of the sentence at the very end or maybe the sentence has totally lost it 's way .
11 Much the better practice is first to state the rule of law and then to apply it to the facts .
12 Much the largest woodpecker of the region , and the most distinctive , male being the only large all-black land bird with red crown and crest ; female and juvenile browner , female with red on nape only .
13 The third , and much the largest source , was from central government through the rate support grant , which took some account of the needs of the area .
14 No distinction is made for the Metropolitan Police , much the largest force in the country , where the Home Secretary has formal responsibility as the police authority .
15 It was so very much the right place at the right time .
16 ‘ For me the important thing was winning the match , the money is very much the second thing .
17 ‘ Promotion and Distribution are very much the second class members of the marketing mix . ’
18 Hubert Molland had said as much the other day .
19 If he had n't rattled her so much the other day , leaving her high and dry to sneak off and join his girlfriend , she might have remembered to tell him about the dratted ledgers .
20 My boyfriend drank too much the other night and was followed home in his car by the police .
21 It was a tag that surprised me very much the first time I heard it … but now I 've stopped worrying .
22 Much the funniest poll night offering — with the possible exception of Have I Got News For You ( BBC2 ) , which was still being edited as I write — was the scheduled repeat of Porridge ( BBC1 ) .
23 Much the smallest swift of the region , distinguished by short square tail , and from all except White-rumped Swift by conspicuous broad white rump ; throat whitish .
24 Much the smallest sea tern , and readily told by its always white forehead , its black-tipped yellow bill , its orange-yellow legs and its quicker , jerkier flight , hovering like a marionette .
25 A street photographer snapped Paul Guillaume and Modigliani walking along the Promenade des Anglais , Guillaume looking natty and brisk , with knife-edge creases in his trousers , Modigliani in shabby , baggy clothes , shoes unpolished , very much the poor relation .
26 It is striking , in fact , how much the latter idea seemed at the time to dominate as a first priority .
27 Very much the unsung hero of Mercedes ' 190 range , the six-cylinder 2.6 has none of the cosmetic bravura that distinguishes the 2.5–16 from its lesser stablemates .
28 Only one in five teachers believe that they have and much the greater proportion of these are scale 3 teachers and above .
29 Then , as now , coal provided the fuel for much the greater part of the country 's electricity .
30 Nowadays , much the greater part of the legislative programme of the two Houses is taken up by Public Bills .
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