Example sentences of "given [pers pn] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have not done anything to earn it , but God has given me the Spirit and accepted me into his family ; and he means me to know that I belong . ’
2 ‘ What are you grinning at , Cambridge ? ’ he demanded — he 'd given me the nickname after some reference I made to my own past ; it was an affectionate pan of coals for my head — ‘ It 's perfectly true .
3 I think that if she had n't known us ; that I was a groom and Copper was pretty sensible , she would n't have given me the choice of trying to save him , especially as he was seventeen years old .
4 ‘ I think he 's angry that having given me the freedom to think for myself , I 've not followed him all down the line . ’
5 She glared at me , dug beneath her cloak and pushed a purse ( much leaner than the one she had given me the night before ) into my hand .
6 He had given me the runaround in his sleep .
7 Since the advent of a car-ferry system connecting Denmark , Norway , Shetland , Faroe and Iceland , it has become easier for me to take a vehicle over and , because the ferry terminus in Iceland is in one of the eastern fiords called Seyðisfjördur — see data capture sheet , this has given me the opportunity of exploring the north and east coast of Iceland in greater detail .
8 I am delighted that the hon. Gentleman has given me the opportunity to report to the House the latest figures for inward investment .
9 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
10 ‘ Then they have given me the slip again .
11 A woman I know has given me the name of a midwife who will come and otherwise I shall have to engage a nurse for the shortest time possible since I can not be without assistance when my time comes .
12 Talking to Pierre as we fished off the coast of Brittany had first given me the idea of working on a trawler .
13 It would n't have surprised me if you 'd given me the boot there and then .
14 No Alan 's not given me the go ahead really to , to do .
15 She could easily have given me the push after her dad died , and taken on somebody … well , more presentable , like . ’
16 ‘ I do n't think she would have submitted — I would n't have done in that position — but she would definitely have lost consciousness and that would have given me the title . ’
17 And you could have told the girl on switchboard to remind me — she 'd have given me the message , I assure you . ’
18 Did I say that she 's given me the diary ? ’
19 Signing for Salford and gaining the captaincy of Wales has given me the chance to prove myself . ’
20 It 's a compliment in itself that they 've given me the chance … ’
21 ‘ And , if you 'd given me the chance to finish , you would also have heard me specify ‘ for the general collection ’ .
22 It 's given me the chance to look further into two books that I 've really enjoyed reading than I ever usually would .
23 ‘ As far as Frank is concerned , he is entirely satisfied with what I am doing and he has given me the space to get on with it .
24 Flaubert was delighted with the story : ‘ Do you know , Lapierre , you 've just given me the subject of a novel , the counterpart of my Bovary , a Bovary of high society .
25 There may well be some truth in that — certainly the Quakers I 've met have given me the impression of being caring and loving people .
26 ‘ And you 've given me the impression you wanted to see me , too . ’
27 After Mr Brocklehurst had given me the book and left , I felt I had to speak .
28 The 34-year-old divorcee explained : ‘ Those two tragedies have given me the strength to want to help others . ’
29 The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously , but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all .
30 He 's given me the key to his apartment . ’
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