Example sentences of "information you [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But if you have that information you may want to confirm it 's right .
2 Any additional information you may produce such as a Year Book , coaching calendar , etc would also be of assistance .
3 ‘ The reports you write , the information you may have ’ are taken into account .
4 I would be most grateful for any information you may have pertaining to the RLS centenary be it an update of your present events or any contacts you may know of .
5 I will be grateful for any information you may have on private home care cooperative .
6 The questions listed are simply an indication of some of the key information you may require in order to plan sensibly ahead .
7 Each Phonecard comes in a special wrapper giving you the information you 'll need to add to British Telecom 's donation , with the money that 's raised going towards protecting the natural habitats of all endangered species in Britain .
8 Each Phonecard comes in a special wrapper giving you the information you 'll need to add to British Telecom 's donation , with the money that 's raised going towards protecting the natural habitats of all endangered species in Britain .
9 Right I 've mentioned questions you 'll notice that we 've got money and retirement mister John from now most of you may have seen the name in various erm very good speaker John you 'll a you 'll appreciate ca n't really say enjoy his talk because he really goes on and gives you a lot of information you 'll appreciate it rather than enjoy it .
10 Once you have the information you 'll have to do a little deductive reasoning to piece an eight-letter anagram into a well known winning phrase .
11 Also enquire about local amenities , how far the hotel is from the beach , and any other information you would like to find out about .
12 If , however , a colleague has offered to go along and watch the lesson for you , it may well help if you underline the type of general information you would like back in addition to the notes on the lesson .
13 Please note that we would be most grateful for any handouts or further information you would like to send us .
14 Sometimes you have access to a text , but not to all the information you would like about it .
15 As Account Director for the client 's advertising agency , responsible for developing a proposed Advertising Strategy document , prepare a list of the information you would require for launching a new range of hair products .
16 Answer guide : Some of the additional information you would need relates to cost by product , potential sales volume by product , price elasticity of demand , competitor prices etc .
17 But there are other bits of information you might want to give , like a photo opportunity , like a particular thing , something specific happening which related to the press release but 's not part of it .
18 One more piece of information you should possess before the tale unfolds is that Michael was encased in two leg callipers as a result of polio — contracted when one year old — and walked , or rather surges about with the aid of two crutches .
19 It will give you an idea of the information you should have at hand to make best use of our services .
20 FOR more information you should contact the following : Essex Business Centre 0245–283030 : offers women-only training and an Options For Change programme , covering confidence building , skills assessment and job search techniques .
21 If you require any further information you should contact the Institute of Trading Standards Administration , 4/5 Hadleigh Business Centre , 351 London Road , Hadleigh , Essex SS7 2BT , tel no : ( 0702 ) 559922 .
22 Unfortunately we have no vacancies at present for Trainees or Enforcement Officers , however , if you require any further information you should contact The Institute of Trading Standards Administration , 4/5 Hadleigh Business Centre , 351 London Road , Hadleigh , Essex , tel.no. 0702.559922 .
23 Also , I was interested in any information you could give me on working in advertising or public relations on a music journal .
24 I would appreciate any information you could give me about his works , books , or exhibitions .
25 She said : ‘ The Options course gave me confidence and the information you could go miles for and never find — like the fact 70 per cent of all jobs are n't advertised .
26 Erm the point that both the others raised about my objection with the large document and my objection regarding what you were going to do with the information you could have apacked and come out with a stronger result .
27 e.g : Spider notes Yet another method of making notes involves you in a " brain storming " exercise in which you allow your memory to recall any information you can associate with a particular topic or question .
28 I 'd welcome any information you can give me .
29 I 'd welcome any information you can give me .
30 Whatever information you can send me to help steer me on to a path to a more rewarding career would be most appreciated .
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