Example sentences of "though [pron] might [be] " in BNC.

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1 Anything of a supposedly unmentionable nature she gave added emphasis to by leaving a little pause , peering suspiciously around her as though someone might be listening , then saying the word , or sentence , in a theatrical stage-whisper .
2 Pebbles had to snatch up briefly to avoid scrimmaging in front of her on the tight final bend , and for a second it looked as though she might be shut in .
3 Though she might be an ever welcome visitor in the Casa Guidi , though the traffic between the two houses might be unrestricted , she saw all too clearly by the start of that New Year of 1858 , that her part in the Brownings ' life was peripheral .
4 She was perceptibly drunk , and for a moment Alison hesitated , as though she might be joking .
5 The kind of woman I would n't mind having around if I was in trouble though she might be a bit of a trial at other times .
6 But though none might be prepared to go so far as that , all British parties would quickly realize that apparent discrimination against women in their lists would do them a lot of harm .
7 While it is wise to show a certain deference to those older than you who have been doing the job for years and who would be alienated by over-confident brashness , you must not look as though you might be a drag on whoever you are hoping to work with .
8 Come in looking as though you might be able to solve an interviewer 's problems , not as though you will bring a whole lot of problems of your own .
9 You ca n't because people idealize and fantasize and you 'll never ever even though you might be perfectly and somebody else 's dream but you wo n't be everybody 's dream so you 're bound to disappoint .
10 United have not won the title in 25 years since , and though there might be a spiritual and timely link between a player of Cantona 's style and those noble Reds of old , it is Eusebio , the Black Panther , who takes centre stage tonight .
11 Though there might be public support for better insurance programmes , if somewhat thin , because of the stagflation-induced social policy crisis , there was no ‘ mass attention , supportive sentiment , or a willingness of governmental actors to place mental health finance prominently on the agenda ’ .
12 In other words , if precedent was followed , the package of budget cuts would be attacked piecemeal when it disappeared into the congressional maze ; even though there might be general agreement on the need to cut the budget , vested interests operating through sympathetic members could , one by one , weaken or restore specific cuts .
13 He studied her warrant card intently , as though there might be some real doubt about her identity , and then returned it to her without even the glimmer of a smile .
14 ‘ But the old signorina has a very good eye for a horse , ’ said Leon , as though there might be a connection between judging horse flesh and marrying .
15 It sounded a trivial enough disturbance on the surface , but it seemed as though there might be substance in Tom Watt 's fears after all .
16 Even though they might be cult , they were very popular cult .
17 His strength was his obsessive single-mindedness , his refusal to be diverted by what at that moment were secondary issues ( even though they might be issues of far greater importance in the medium or long term ) .
18 Now that our raison d'etre , helping to win a war , had been removed , we were all counting the days to our release and petty regulations , necessary though they might be , were becoming very irksome .
19 Though they might be putting off buying new carpets or curtains , they have continued to buy holidays . ’
20 We can say that the problem being defined here is not so much that the pupils are getting the wrong education ( though they might be getting the wrong teachers ) as that industry is getting the wrong pupils !
21 Questions of prestige , irrational though they might be , received new emphasis when more people identified themselves with the nation .
22 On the back of its thorax it has two flap-like sideways extensions of the chitinous shell that look as though they might be the rudiments of wings .
23 Existential propositions , contextually indispensable though they might be , are not logically essential for a complete description of the world .
24 For it is clearly not enough to say that if two things are observed simultaneously in different spatial positions , then they are two , not one , even though they might be completely alike .
25 Gwen looked to be a couple of years older than herself , and , whereas Leo was dark , his sister was a redhead with green eyes , which looked as though they might be very astute , Hilary decided with sinking spirits .
26 How much nicer Mark Ainger was , assuming in his remote kindness that everybody knew about the things he was interested in himself and being much too charitable to pass judgement on other people 's amusements , however unlike his own though they might be .
27 He felt the first dabs of rain , and held out his palm to inspect the circles of water as though they might be gold or a map of the city .
28 though they might be instrumental in reducing the level of food imports in the course of the next five to ten years , they will increase Nigerian dependency on foreign-manufactured commodities and know-how … imports like fertilizers , pesticides and agricultural machinery .
29 Indeed , many trees that look as though they might be adapted to wind pollination are known to be pollinated by insects — like Mallotus oppositifolius ( Euphorbiaceae ) in West Africa , which has an attractive sweet scent — and it has been suspected that even forest grasses are animal pollinated .
30 Bring your bathing-suit , just in case — in case anyone looks as though they might be drowning , ’ he finished , toning down the severity of his voice with one of his enigmatic smiles .
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