Example sentences of "taken in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On November 28 Hatta resigned from the office of Vice-president , deploring the drift towards chaos : ‘ All our rebellions and our splits , our political anarchy and adventurism , and all the steps taken in the economic field which have created chaos , are the result of the fact that our national Revolution was not dammed up at the appropriate time . ’
2 Great care has been taken in the current depression , for example , to construct the image of scrounging , fiddling , laziness and greed as characteristic of the unemployed who ‘ could find work if they really wanted to ’ or whose misfortune can be explained by ‘ the irresponsible pay demands and restrictive practices ’ of those still in work .
3 The opportunity has been taken in the new version to rewrite the material , to make it clearer and more accessible for the reader .
4 Thus he may decide that although the investigation discloses a criminal offence , no action should be taken in the criminal courts .
5 As we shall be explaining in the following chapters , we do not believe that the steps taken in the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 will prove drastic enough .
6 Menem , who later claimed that his action had been taken in the long-term interests of national unity and reconciliation , was immediately accused of double standards in releasing the former officers when he was simultaneously demanding the severest penalties for those involved in the latest rebellion .
7 That course could not be taken in the present case , because of a specific and unusual statutory provision which anticipated the kind of mistake which was made by the sentencer in this case .
8 A photograph of an older daughter of the family , then a student , had been taken in the small conservatory that leads into the house .
9 True , they were were taken in the heady surrounding of St Tropez , where every girl takes 'em off , and where Fergie and Johnny and Bea and Eugenie were staying in a modest £450,000 terracotta pink villa .
10 Dinner is taken in the elegant dining room accompanied by candlelight , fine linen , flowers and classical music .
11 In the same year an Act was passed declaring that from henceforth the boundaries of all the royal forests should be taken to extend no further than those ‘ commonly reputed , used or taken in the twentieth year of the reign of James I [ 1622–23 ] .
12 She sensed trouble in this girl , who seemed to have taken in the entire community below in Knockglen .
13 At Better Books Miles had taken in the mimeographed magazines .
14 Photographs of the squad taken in the early 1970s still evoke surprise in police circles , simply because they display such strong imagery of an unacceptable style , and at the time were made much of in the media , who saw the newsworthy potential of policemen in a disorderly form .
15 With the publication of the Foreign Relations of the United States volumes on the Korean War and the release of the British documents it was evident that Britain had played a major role in the important decisions taken in the early stages of the war , and in particular the decision to change the aim of the operation from being merely to repel the aggressor north of the 38th parallel to that of achieving a unified Korea .
16 Great care was taken in the early years of this century to design bus shelters that were in keeping with country villages .
17 On the pitch he represented amazing , individualistic skill and off it he typified the so-called swinging sixties ( although the picture was actually taken in the early seventies ) of nightclubs , Manchester , and a time when footballers behaved like pop stars , not robots .
18 So ESA has recently had to consent to launch Exosat on one of NASA 's Delta rockets — an option it could have taken in the early 1970s which would have allowed a launch in 1977 .
19 A Titford family photograph taken in the early 1890s shows husband and wife with five daughters and young Marwood , the girls in neat smocks or severe black dresses , the son in an Eton collar , and every one of the group looking his or her most miserable Sunday best Those photographers who made a speciality of enticing young ladies to say ‘ prunes ’ and ‘ prisms ’ to bring out their charming dimples , called ‘ watch the birdie ! ’ with much gusto or tried ‘ cheese ! ’ in the hope of a smile would have had a rough time indeed with severe-looking Benjamin James and his wife and children .
20 A shot taken in the early 1930s — location unknown .
21 From one mine alone in this area , Blakethwaite Mine , lead worth more than £120,000 ( £48 million in today 's money ) was taken in the early nineteenth century .
22 This was followed by Mr Gissing on ‘ Railways in the Rugby Area ’ , illustrated with photographs taken in the early post-war era up to the present day .
23 It was taken in the early 1900s , but we are assured that it is not a tinted photograph , but a true colour print .
24 A strategic decision was taken in the early 80s that the best way forward for the company was to concentrate on dry and semi-moist pet food markets .
25 When skin integrity is interrupted by surgery , the wound provides a means for bacteria to enter , so precautions need to be taken in the pre- and post-operative periods to prevent this occurrence .
26 Two other directions taken in the 19th Century by the theory of groups should perhaps be mentioned .
27 Broughton Lane has also changed since this view was taken in the 1950's .
28 In part it is because they too have unknowingly taken in the prevailing stereotypes .
29 Furthermore , it had been alarmed at local initiatives taken in the immediate aftermath of the June war .
30 Extractive hay or silage crops should not be taken in the first year , although the ley may be topped if necessary .
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