Example sentences of "taken [adv prt] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Powell 's portfolios of Labour and Tourism were taken on respectively by Constance Mitcham , Minister of Health and Women 's Affairs , and by Fitzroy Jones , Minister of Trade and Industry .
2 It produced forecasts for various markets , and said those showed some were clearly earmarked for success in the future while others should be taken on only by those with a ‘ real taste for a challenge ’ .
3 Milk not taken in late in the day .
4 He had remembered having seen , that first day , some goats grazing further on down the river bank , had made some inquiries and discovered that they were taken down on to the river bed every morning by a boy who acted as herd .
5 Now the reason we 've got this , is there are quite a few erm , Ottery boys who are members of this corps , and get taken down there by bus every Friday evening , and the Town Clerk erm , went to speak to them .
6 It had been taken along here for 30 fathoms and stopped at a fault beyond which the vein had been lost .
7 Outside the rain , which had taken over again from the snow , fell in grey torrents .
8 The Headmaster 's house in Davenport Park was taken over completely by the Junior School , and a new one built for him — costing £4,621 5 10d ! — during 1954 .
9 The arguments he uses here are standard ones , taken over bodily from the ten ‘ tropes ’ of the Greek sceptics as presented in Diogenes Laertius ' Life of Pyrrho , and Sextus Empiricus ' Outlines of Pyrrhonism .
10 Consequently , after the Asian Open — which Hendry won — his No. 1 position in the world was taken over briefly by the 20-year-old Scot .
11 The idea is among those that have been taken over successfully into the theory of evolution by John Maynard Smith , who has shown why the evolutionarily stable strategy in a given situation may not be the strategy that would bring most benefit to every individual — the catch being that the only way all individuals could benefit from the best possible strategy , is for all to agree to pursue that strategy .
12 Around 14 or 15 different concerns were taken over up to 1930 , from Tottenham to Brighton .
13 The old nursery block had been taken over temporarily as part of the laundry , and the children who were not sick were maintained in a ward on the female side .
14 Yet observers of the department could easily be fooled into thinking that a party of radically different philosophy had taken over midway during this period .
15 Their portfolios were taken over respectively by Reinhold Stefanis and Ricardo Fuiza , both congressmen from the Liberal Front Party ( PFL ) .
16 This lover will be irresistible and she will be taken over entirely by him .
17 The structure of the Merovingian Church was taken over directly from its Gallo-Roman predecessor .
18 He got taken off just after their left back got in semi-decent cross .
19 ‘ We 've all taken off together on this flight and there are n't any parachutes in this aircraft .
20 When government stock issues had been taken up predominantly by the triad , there had been little need for anything much in the way of a " market " ; but the change in the structure of debt ownership led inevitably to the emergence of broking and jobbing practices which were to become institutionalised into the Stock Exchange .
21 The concept was taken up elsewhere in London and the beginnings of the great pattern of squares Bloomsbury Square in 1661 , St James 's Square in 1665 and Soho Square in 1690 ) with their associated terraced streets began to emerge .
22 It has been taken up both by those who see in it an attack upon civilization as an unnatural cage in which man is incarcerated and by those who take it to be a defence of civilization as man 's natural home .
23 The effect of revisions of previous estimates of proven and probable oil and gas reserves and of costs is taken up prospectively in unit of production calculations .
24 Following publication of Kimura 's paper the dichotic listening technique was taken up enthusiastically as a means of assessing language laterality in normal subjects .
25 Classical elite theorists ' simultaneous attacks on Marxism and liberal democracy meant that their doctrines were taken up enthusiastically by European fascist ideologues during the 1920s and 1930s .
26 In the lace 1970s , Congressman Jack Kemp and Senator William Roth had put forward the idea of an across-the-board income tax cut of 10 per cent in each of three successive years , a proposal taken up enthusiastically by supply-side advocates like Stockman and warmly embraced by Ronald Reagan .
27 Ambivalence was a , a term coined in about nineteen O five , by the Swiss psychiatrist , , and it was taken up particularly by psychoanalysis , and as a psychoanalytic term , it means the co-existence of contradictory thoughts , feelings or emotions about the same thing .
28 The Ethiopian revolution of 1974 , which toppled Emperor Hailé Sellassié , postponed Ethiopian agitation about the obelisk , but this has now been taken up again with renewed force .
29 Many of these problems were taken up again in September 1987 when Magna was established on a permanent basis in Cardiff during a three-day conference on A Women 's Language in Theatre ?
30 Many intellectual strands of the Carolingian Renaissance , subsequently dropped , were taken up again in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
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