Example sentences of "taken [prep] [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The services of the Hawes Silver Band are still employed to accompany the hymns and they played a march while a collection was taken for St Matthew 's Church and Swaledale Fell Rescue Team .
2 And in the MPA event , she also got a second place with a shot of copper piping taken for Hydro Polymers at Aycliffe .
3 The action had been taken after Nelson Mandela 's call to intensify sanctions and for people to boycott South African goods in a final effort to end apartheid .
4 These were the last photographs taken of Sharon Hill .
5 The weather conditions had improved immeasurably and , as you can see from Keith Wilson 's pictures ( taken near Grafham Water ) , the sunlight was beautiful .
6 While referring to the Treasury waggon which had been taken near Quatre Bras , von Keller 's counsel omitted to say anything about one particular carriage grouped with other captured vehicles at the village of Villers Perwin situated at a short distance from the Charleroi road near Quatre Bras .
7 The litigation issue , on the other hand , concerned action taken against KPMG Peat Marwick and former executive directors of Hugin Sweda Group Plc ( CI No 1,834 ) .
8 Mr Peck said a military hearing had decided that no action would be taken against Sergeant Walter Johnson , who killed Omar Ahmed Mohamed on 4 February .
9 No action was taken against Donald E. Lukens ( Rep. , Ohio ) who had been sentenced to prison for between 30 and 180 days and fined $1,000 in June for having sexual relations with a teenage girl below the age of consent [ ibid . ] .
10 The claim failed when the EAT held that neither the derecognition of an established trade union , nor the disadvantages for employees resulting from that derecognition , was action taken against Mr Wilson ‘ as an individual ’ for the purpose of penalising him or deterring him from being a union member .
11 This can be seen particularly clearly in the measures taken against Sir Edward Woodville , who , according to Mancini , had left London the day before news of Rivers ' arrest reached the city .
12 In Mancini , for instance , the removal of York from sanctuary in the middle of June follows immediately upon the measures taken against Sir Edward Woodville in mid May , with the events seen as consecutive steps by Gloucester towards the throne .
13 This can be seen particularly clearly in the measures taken against Sir Edward Woodville , who , according to Mancini , had left London the day before news of Rivers ' arrest reached the city .
14 In Mancini , for instance , the removal of York from sanctuary in the middle of June follows immediately upon the measures taken against Sir Edward Woodville in mid May , with the events seen as consecutive steps by Gloucester towards the throne .
15 ‘ I 've had bad news , ’ he said , ‘ Edward Morris has been taken into Swansea Prison , he is accused of fraud . ’
16 And into Radcliffe , you got some of b b Message was taken into Berry South
17 ‘ He 's had old Mrs Wright taken into Atherton hospital . ’
18 They were taken into BR stock in October 1984 and allocated to Toton depot .
19 Families who have now been taken into Evin prison .
20 The Legion 's Cheshire County treasurer Ron Hulse has now taken up Mr Kenealy 's fight .
21 They included the cost of a pond in St James 's Park , the provision of ordnance for St Mawes Castle , the state of fortresses in Kent , the expenses of Sir Francis Drake 's recent and final voyage to the Caribbean , the debts of the late Earl of Huntingdon and Sir Thomas Heneage , the answers of the Earl of Pembroke and Sir Richard Bingham to charges made against them , complaints of decays in the Bishopric of Durham , the dispute in the College of Arms between Garter King-at-Arms and Clarencieux , a claim on the barony of Dacre , the voyage of the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral to Cadiz , and , rather obscurely , ‘ order to be taken with Matthew Goodman for the cosener ’ .
22 However , a chance is taken with John Dunlop 's Bulaxie , whose only race to date brought an encouraging third in a big field at Newmarket .
23 Jean-Pierre , Denise and the two Danielles were taken round East Lothian schools on Thursday and Friday then were left with a free day on Saturday .
24 A poll of voting intentions — published on May 21st , but taken before Mrs Cresson 's appointment — indicated that the two main right-wing parties would easily win a general election with 40% of the vote , giving them around 336 seats ( 47 more than an absolute majority ) .
25 ‘ And I would point out that we have just completed a development squad tour that has taken in Western Samoa , Fiji and Tonga and comprised a black management and a large percentage of black players in the squad . ’
26 The court allowed a deposition to be taken in New Zealand , which might convince the other parties of the genuineness of the claim , but it was only to be admitted in evidence with their consent .
27 Brandishing a scalp freshly taken in Blackfoot country , he admonished the Nez Perce headmen :
28 Various things enclosed ; a not very good pic of my lovely curtains ; some photos taken in Hyde Park , London which are n't much good either , so feel free to cut them up or chuck them !
29 A mistake in measurements taken in Dr Barnes 's home meant it was too wide to install .
30 ‘ Picture almost certainly taken in Maniema Province , eastern Congo , now Zaïre , some time in the winter of 1964 .
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