Example sentences of "night i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd bought a TV from the man in the chip shop , and as the black-and-white box heated up it stank of grease and fish , but late at night I heard of cults and experiments in living , in California .
2 That night I slept on the subway , curled up on one of the seats .
3 Last night I slept on the floor .
4 At night I slept in the big kitchen on the brown leatherette bed settee , and my parents slept in the box room .
5 Late at night I drove to Germany and the next day met committees in Frankfurt , Paris , Geneva , Zegreb , Graz , Munich and Vienna .
6 Every bleedin' night I dreams about that .
7 On Tuesday night I prepared for Wednesday morning and then together with the players we planned Thursday .
8 That night I woke at half-past three and lay brooding over my lack of progress .
9 The other night I woke in panic , shell-shocked from the Gulf War .
10 Late one night I whispered to him that I was worried that the Yanks were taxing him too hard , that his lucid arguments and eloquence were being weakened by constant niggling at everything he said .
11 That night I dreamed of the toad I had imagined .
12 Last night I dreamed of a prospect
13 When Iarrived home that night I fell into bed and went straight to sleep .
14 By the second night I had to be scraped from the floor and dragged two miles to the only shop in the vicinity to buy something which could pass as edible .
15 And I 'm giving you this ultimatum : tomorrow night I come into this bed and if you try to stop me , you 'll end up next door for the remainder of your days . ’
16 this was , this was the night I added minus eight pound to your money , and walked off with eight of it , right ?
17 And many a night I spent at The Greyhound watching Brinsley Schwarz , diligently studying Nick Lowe 's bass playing .
18 The terrible night I spent at Wuthering Heights was the cause of my illness , and I blame Mr Heathcliff for it .
19 But Greenford was in Middlesex and many was the night I spent in the pissing rain having walked to Acton Town station to wait for the first train home in the morning .
20 Last night I returned from a stint on the 1990 ITV Telethon , with steam issuing from my every pore .
21 Last night I drive in my little old car to return a book to the farm manager .
22 ‘ The very first night I played with him , he 's up there blowing and he walks over to me and says , ‘ Play somethin' , Robben . ’
23 She 's hardly eaten a thing since she got here , and last night I went into the kitchen and found her looking terrible . ’
24 One night I went into a petrol station to buy Pot Noodles and ended up robbing the place .
25 The Warrington by-election was held in mid-July , and that night I went with Neil Kinnock and David Owen to BBC Television Centre to await the result .
26 Yeah , but she said I were called one night I went with her daughter-in-law
27 ‘ Last night I went to an art exhibition in my sister-in-law 's gallery and then went to dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law 's birthday .
28 After a troubled night I went to Government House next morning and said to HE that I was convinced that this would be a disastrous step and that if it was decided to take it I must resign on the spot and announce in public my reasons for doing so .
29 That night I went to sleep in a tree for the second time , and the next day I went on with my journey .
30 That night I went to the theatre and when I returned to my hotel , a quiet man in dark clothes was waiting for me .
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