Example sentences of "second [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 The UK remains a major influence in the communications business and is the undoubted European leader in electronics information systems with 15% of world markets , second only to the US .
2 A recent survey in the Wall Street Journal , America 's only readable paper , has shown that the microwave is the nation 's favourite household appliance , second only to the smoke alarm in terms of its importance to the American lifestyle .
3 If I were taking on a new act , their ability to perform on stage would be second only to the quality of their songwriting .
4 That field is sport , where the East Germans think of themselves as a ‘ world power ’ , second only to the Soviet Union and the US .
5 According to the Men 's Movement , second only to the father is the older male who will help teach a young man what it means to be a man and help remove him from his father 's influence .
6 Fogarty , riding a Ducati , is eighth in the championship — second only to the Grand Prix series — while Rymer is 10th on the Mobil 1 Kawasaki .
7 Education was probably a larger issue in the 1964 general election than ever before ( or , it need hardly be added , since ) : the national opinion polls placed it second only to the cost of living .
8 Forests and woodlands come second only to the beach as a perfect place for an away-day , with four out of 10 people preferring to picnic in style , at a designated picnic site .
9 Second only to the Royal Saloons of this time were the 57ft saloons de luxe , built for the accommodation of the Royal suite , when the King and Queen were travelling ; when they were not required for this purpose they could be hired .
10 In terms of excuses , the jury was told , it was second only to the old chestnut that ‘ it fell off the back of a lorry ’ .
11 Tyrion was now the chosen Champion of the Everqueen , second only to the Phoenix King among the defenders of Ulthuan .
12 Yet , because of his knowledge , he had powers second only to the president .
13 He is also the Reiksmarshall of the Empire , commander of all the Empire 's forces , second only to the Emperor himself .
14 The earl became the largest landowner in Ireland , and second only to the Duke of Lancaster in England , while his descendants had royal blood in their veins .
15 If work groups meet every day ( as many do ) , they will represent the second most cohesive group in most people 's lives — second only to the family .
16 In 1971 the UK was second only to the USA as a home base for multinational companies ; overseas production by British-based multinationals as a proportion of domestic output in 1977 was , at 40 per cent , higher than the corresponding figure for any other national economy except Switzerland ; and in 1971 nearly 20 per cent of UK output was produced by overseas based companies .
17 For twenty years Marcus Judge had been the most powerful figure on Jubilee Wharf , second only to the Wharfmaster himself .
18 Among those with carcinoma of the floor of the mouth , which was second only to the tongue as the most common site , 55 ( 76% ) had a history of smoking .
19 Much has been written about the technological challenge of North Sea oil , said to be second only to the American space programme in scale .
20 On the net basis shown in the third column of this table , the UK has frequently stood second only to the USA , lying ahead of France and Germany .
21 Of the instruments of good works listed in the Rule of Saint Benedict , second only to the love of God came the love of humankind , and Cadfael reverenced the Rule above the detailed and meticulous rules .
22 Second only to the Welsh in low cunning , ’ said Hurst .
23 The United States is not only the world 's largest oil-consuming country ( 15.6 million b/d in 1980 ) but also the largest oil importer ( 5.4 million b/d in 1980 ) despite its substantial production ( second only to the USSR ) .
24 Second only to the family , his chief love was for the North of Scotland and in the mid-fifties he realised a life-time ambition by becoming the owner of a 26,000-acre estate in Sutherland and , typical of the man , here he turned this unit into a sound agricultural business as well as a sporting estate .
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