Example sentences of "made [pn reflx] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was one of the very rare occasions when Chaplin made himself a worker , a member of the proletariat with all the attendant problems of low wages , of dealing with a foreman , and of sustaining a home and family .
2 Brian made himself a cheese sandwich and pushed the crumbs into a pile .
3 As I was saying : they dig up that and also Francis 's moment of passion when he made himself a father — which must have been more than twenty years ago !
4 Back at Uncle Albert 's , Gedanken searched the fridge for a Coke ; he made himself a coffee .
5 The next morning , after another sleepless night — this really had to stop or he was going to start dozing off at his desk — he got up , made himself a coffee and , wincing already in anticipation of her reaction , called Alexandra 's flat .
6 But one feels now that the man who stood on the soapbox and who made himself a target for eggs is ready for it .
7 He made himself a cup of coffee and then , feeling deflated and not a little depressed , went to bed .
8 He turned on the little electric fire , made himself a cup of fake coffee with fake milk , and under its influence thought about deception .
9 Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches , where he stayed late into the dusk .
10 He made himself a cup of instant coffee and two slices of toast .
11 Still yawning , he made himself a cup of tea and took it to bed .
12 She made herself a pump organ , and Dreamed up a man to play it .
13 She made herself a cathedral , not quite in the spirit of the exterior , but roomy enough .
14 In the end , she made herself a drink of hot milk with a dash of brandy and took it up to bed , taking along the hot water bottle for good measure .
15 Leith was n't feeling very hungry when she got in , but she made herself a pot of tea and a snack , and , as she realised she had known she would , she worried .
16 She made herself a sandwich and a cup of tea and carried them along to her workroom .
17 Then she moved quietly into the kitchen and made herself a mug of tea .
18 Downstairs she made herself a cup of coffee and carried it out onto the patio and drank it at the table , smoked a loose-rolled sweet Italian cigarette , and watched the coming of the dawn .
19 Cook and Joan would not be down for another hour yet , so she made herself a cup of coffee on the gas stove .
20 She made herself a cup of English breakfast tea and then , with the kettle still boiling , steamed open the envelope .
21 She made herself a cup of tea , cut bread for toast , beat up eggs with grated cheese in a pan .
22 She made herself a cup of coffee and sat slowly drinking it , savouring the rich smooth brew .
23 She let herself into the house , and made herself a cup of tea .
24 Wendy ran after her child but her spiked heels slowed her , so she gave up and came back home and made herself a cup of coffee and read the stories in the back of her magazine .
25 Back at her flat , though , she made herself a cup of tea and was able to give her thoughts free rein — all of them centred on Naylor Massingham .
26 She tried the back door and found it open , and going in she turned on some lights and made herself a cup of coffee .
27 She came downstairs , she slopped all the way through to the kitchen made herself a cup of tea and sat
28 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
29 With a wry shrug of her slim shoulders Laura made herself a ham sandwich before wandering back into what the estate agent 's particulars had referred to as ‘ a huge reception-room ’ .
30 She dressed hurriedly , made herself a snack , took the bike and wheeled it round the corner of the cottage into the front garden .
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