Example sentences of "to make [adj] you [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , a teacher from school should visit you during your placement to make sore you are happy with the arrangements .
2 To make sure you are not over the line at the start , try and get an accurate transit — do not use a moving ship on the horizon !
3 It is strongly advisable that , before you start to give directions , you have at least a few lessons from a trained Alexander teacher to make sure you are on the right track .
4 Remember to take your pulse at intervals along the walk to make sure you are within your aerobic range .
5 Check regularly with your society to make sure you are getting the best rate of interest on the type of account you have .
6 These Approved Dealers will all provide a unique and professional hand-over procedure followed by a free 600 Miles Inspection — just to make sure you are completely satisfied with your new purchase .
7 As you prepare to give your patch of grass its final once-over , it 's a good time to make sure you are n't going to be a tragic statistic next year .
8 Sit downwind , of course , but be aware that wind often swirls in woodland clearings , so look at the leaves on the tops of the trees to make sure you are not being misled by the wind direction at ground level .
9 With the current high interest rates , it 's especially important to make sure you 're not paying more than you need for your mortgage .
10 To make sure you 're not dishing up any trouble for you or your family during the forthcoming festivities , Domestos has some simple hygiene rules to follow in the kitchen
11 Even if you want to make a poem in the end , write in prose first , just to make sure you 're clear about the feelings and experiences that have come to the surface .
12 " I shall ring you every few days anyway , to make sure you 're okay . "
13 You ca n't be actually following the whole of the action all the time , cos you have to make sure you 're not burning a hole in the shirt .
14 And take good care of her , Graham ; I 'll send my wife up to make sure you 're all right . "
15 ‘ Oh , I know people such as you and Jones like yourselves too well not to make sure you 're safe . ’
16 I mean , I 'm not after money , but you , you 've , you 've got to make sure you 're giving the money to , to a project like that , the thing is viable .
17 Until then , the best advice is to make sure you 're well informed — and consult a GP if in any doubt .
18 Or you can go up that way , yes but I mean if you , you know , you can walk through to make sure you 're not there if you want , but you can go up , that 's the way
19 to start with erm same as any any job you do stripping an engine whatever you like when you first do it you go through very slowly one bit at a time to make sure you 're doing everything right and then
20 you 'd take with your insurance company to make sure you were still covered if anything untoward happened while , you know .
21 ‘ We just wanted to make sure you were all right , ’ said Melissa hesitantly .
22 ‘ I wanted to make sure you were all right , ’ he returned .
23 You see how Dr Rafaelo sent Señorita Shelley to make sure you were all right ! ’
24 To make sure you were you .
25 But they just might to make certain you 're not here — that you have left for the Lake District . ’
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