Example sentences of "get it [prep] your " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You may be just as tired as him but mentally you must get it into your brain that you are not going to stop until you drop and if your opponent knows that he might stop . ’
2 ‘ When will you get it into your head that this project is what matters , not me , not you , not the bloody hospital , or the newspapers , or your bleating television people !
3 ‘ And when will you get it into your head that it 's the project I 'm trying to keep in mind ?
4 When will you get it into your head he 's no good for you ?
5 " Ca n't you get it into your head ?
6 ‘ You 're so damn full of your own importance you ca n't get it into your thick skull that the world was n't created solely for your amusement .
7 Please do n't get it on your school uniform !
8 You ca n't get it through your skin — so you ca n't get it from touching someone with HIV .
9 ‘ Came in the morning 's post , but the postman could n't get it through your letter-box so he brought it round to me . ’
10 or we 'll get you one , or you could get it through your local news agency .
11 As you work through the second phase you will be working out the diet that is as near to perfect as you can get it for your own body .
12 We can get it round your home tonight could we ?
13 Pretty good , can you get it behind your , get your hand behind your neck ?
14 So it er could pay you in the first year of business to incur any capital that you could afford , because you can either get it against your first year 's profits , or by not using the capital allowances , it 's available for subsequent years ' profit .
15 Do n't get it in your breakfast .
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