Example sentences of "get they [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I said , well , I said , If we do n't those bombers in and , and Spain we 're gon na get them over here .
2 But if you can get them with just a , an orange or a lemon sorbet .
3 Well , it 's a rather complicated thing but I think we need the cameras and I think we must go ahead and get them into so that we can see if they work as well in in terms of road safety as they have in trials elsewhere , because the results that have been obtained in London and also in Cornwall and Nottingham have been very very impressive , as you know .
4 Say what can I get them for then ?
5 Well they , er nowhere , we did n't get them from anywhere we just used to think them up and everyone thought we were potty did n't they ?
6 Where 'd you get them from then ?
7 Well which shop shall I get them from then ?
8 Oh , so you can get them in here ca n't you ? that 's good !
9 I could n't get them in there .
10 You 'd get them in there would n't ya ?
11 And erm they 've done their teeth and they 've had a wash and they 've done everything really so all you 've got to do is get them in there .
12 Yeah , well you probably can get them in there and you in there and get the thing out again .
13 I 'll get them before then .
14 oh I 'll have to have look down there then , cos we buy 'em , now where do we get 'em from now ? , er Co-Op we got 'em from last time did n't we ?
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