Example sentences of "get [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Even in the acting profession women like Glenda Jackson do n't get the acclaim they deserve , because they are n't particularly pretty .
2 or , hang up and then the phone will ring and you 'll get the other who 's
3 I could n't , I do n't think he could get the other he got that one because of , i in my health you could n't they could n't say how long
4 and then he can get the computer he wants without moaning and then can get everything done in the bedroom without worrying about it
5 ‘ If I can come up with the names then I will take that to the chairman or whoever is in charge to try and get the backing I need to sign them . ’
6 i can just verify that Frank is having talks with a spanish 1 div club ( i do nt think they have any ‘ premier div ’ down there — so first is first … ) — i guess Frank feels he does n't get the chance he + me + others thinks he deserves — Dino and Wallace just not delivering goals and Frank never getting more than the 10 last minutes from time to time .
7 if my family doctor has a practice fund , will I still get the treatment I need ?
8 So if your doctor has a practice fund , will you still get the treatment you need ?
9 ( 2. spot ) contenders newcastle ( rain ) , norwich and blackburn did not play last night ( canaries vs blacburn postponed due to norwich' e-cup involvement ( lost 1–0 away to inter , just could not get the goal they needed even if they dominated ) .
10 Your customers will be happy because they will get the credit they want .
11 Only after his work was replicated by Adrian and Matthews in Cambridge did he get the credit he deserved for having laid the foundations of human electro-encephalography .
12 ‘ The aim is to point the way to an activity which does n't always get the credit it deserves , ’ Frank Kelly said .
13 Oh well , gon na get the sack I am .
14 Sometimes you just do n't get the luck you need . ’
15 ‘ Even though you did n't get the girl you hoped to marry ? ’
16 ‘ They can learn the ropes for a season or two — and they wo n't get the stick they have to take in other leagues . ’
17 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
18 In their ambivalence , their way of asking often ensures that they do not get the closeness they say they want .
19 if they can not show a high prevalence of HIV , they will not get the money they need to concentrate on the important job of prevention .
20 I do n't know you know it 's er it er we do manage and of course what breaks er people 's spirit is I mean we we know we do n't get the money we should be having .
21 in this private in this country does n't mean that you 've got to pay for it , it does mean that you 've got to pay for yourself , but its not like obligatory , so you might as well get the money you can , if you that , at that , at that standard are n't , had n't you really ? , if you can get that money , you 'd be thick not to go for it
22 ‘ Yes , but I did n't get the money it carried . ’
23 We will eventually get the company whatever it takes
24 The ball runs a long way so you will probably get the distance you require .
25 They could not get the strap she was clinging to out of her hand .
26 ‘ It all depends on our fitness problems , but if I said it was unlikely Ferguson would get the call it could end up sounding like famous last words , ’ said Roxburgh .
27 I never imagined that we would get the response we got .
28 And he especially wants to encourage female football players to join : ‘ We do n't get the response we should from the girls it would be nice to see more at the schools . ’
29 Yeah if we do get the boot it 'll be the next few months .
30 Erlich said , ‘ I did n't get the message we were exactly priority . ’
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