Example sentences of "important [prep] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 Equity is important in that it fights for improvements and fairness in pay and working conditions , and with over 44,000 members competing for probably some 5–7,000 jobs in any given working week , it tries to ensure that the work goes to professionally accredited people , those with training or suitable professional experience .
2 It is too important in that it enables children to understand how religion influences individuals and societies , and to explore how people form their own beliefs and values — including atheism .
3 It was important in that it signified the gulf between the police and the policed .
4 This request was important in that it forced the staff involved in Guidance to review the programme and look at the students ' experiences in totality .
5 This makes military research and development by far the most important scientific activity — important in numbers of scientists involved and money spent ; it is also the most important in that it threatens the annihilation of more people than any other human activity .
6 Your behaviour is extremely important in that it conveys your attitude much more effectively and directly than the words you use .
7 This work offers a good illustration of the range of economic support which is given between kin , and is also important in that it stresses its two-way nature .
8 It is no less important in that it marked the return of Ho Chi Minh to Indochina after an absence of 30 years .
9 The accountability debate was , however , important in that it highlighted a need for systematic evaluation in education .
10 This Act was important in that it eased restrictions in the field of public service transport , but critics felt that it would weaken the protection necessary for essentially unprofitable bus routes , mainly those in rural areas .
11 The dissociation of the Muftilik from a kadilik is thus important in that it seems to represent the further definition of a chiefly " religious ' authority , the representative of the more spiritual aspect of the Seriat as opposed to its practical application which was to some degree tainted , in the eyes of the pious , by its close association with secular government .
12 The first factor is important in that it brings some applications within the database world ( for example , computer aided design , computer aided manufacture , architectural design , software design ( Case ) and office automation ) , previously ill-served by relational databases because of the performance of relational database systems and because the relational model itself is unsuitable For those domains .
13 Nonetheless the Social Charter remains important in that it provides the underpinning for the implementation of an action programme of over 40 measures which will be prepared by the Commission ( COM(89) 568 ) .
14 The work is additionally important in that it provides sensitive methods of assessing the effectiveness of new drugs which are designed to improve memory in diseases such as senile dementia .
15 The hesitations are clearly marked , but Stoppard 's last comment is also important in that it suggests a lengthy and embarrassed silence which implicates the reason for Anderson 's hesitancy .
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