Example sentences of "used [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Verbatim notes are used where you want to record everything that is being said in a lecture or copy exactly what appears in print in a book or magazine article .
2 Such an Order may be used where it appears to the authority to be expedient in the interests of proper planning of their area , including the interests of amenity , regard being had to the development plan and to any other material considerations .
3 Those words are n't used where I come from .
4 ( *indicates a piece of language which is not used or which has not been recorded . )
5 It is only used once you have improved considerably , for example , when you have reached RYA Level 3 .
6 ‘ At the end of the meeting I said the information could not be used until he had clearance from me . ’
7 But heat-resistant hotelware , earthenware , crockery and china may be used provided it does not have metallic decoration which will blacken and spoil if used with microwave energy .
8 An existing one may be used provided it has the accounts detailed below available within it .
9 Our capital resources , both leisure facilities and industrial plant , would be more rationally used if we abolished the weekend .
10 The LIFESPAN user name should be used if it identifies the individual uniquely .
11 If the transferor bothers to read the transfer form he will find that it differs slightly from the one that he would have used if he transferred his shares to his wife or children .
12 " All this blood , " she said , in just the same voice she 'd have used if she 'd spotted chocolate round my mouth .
13 Every part of the animal was used and nothing went to waste .
14 We make every effort to provide information for donors about how their donations are used and we take positive steps to seek donors ' views .
15 And we 're we 're well erm getting a whole of trees planted and field there cos her field is hardly ever used and we gon na be getting a whole lot of trees for that .
16 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
17 There were several little alleyways that he might have used and they had a man watching each one ; but then in the end he approached from the other side , not through the bazaar at all but along through the streets , the way they themselves had come on that previous visit .
18 It 's all anonymous , you 're not e e e nobody know who it is , it 's for it 's for a dictionary and they want new words that are commonly used and they do n't want and all old words that never get used it 'll be dropped in the next edition of the dictionary .
19 In May it was announced that the fleet name ‘ London TransporT ’ would be used and it began to appear on the waist panels of cars as repainted .
20 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
21 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
22 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
23 The item was used and I understand aroused some interest .
24 The boat 's engine could not be used and she had to be paddled , sculled , pushed and pulled through the floods .
25 He said : ’ I 'm aware that what we 're saying may be used but we do believe it is the most energising thing that has happened in my 21 years as a GP It has been good for care , public health and management . ’
26 He saw kites being used but they keep falling to the ground .
27 Only tiny amounts of essential oils are used but they have a big effect
28 We should be able to tell you something of the nature of the fastenings used but I doubt if we can say whether a body was involved .
29 I 've heard that phrase used but I do n't know what it 's for .
30 Only the one chosen background material has been used but it has been presented at various distances and angles .
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