Example sentences of "says oh i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and er I picked him , I picked him up in the road and you see I just told him , I says oh I says , you 're the very man I 'm , I 'm looking for .
2 Oh he says oh I says , Well what do you do ?
3 so when I got up half past six and I got shaved now at last , gon na go and get ready and pull the curtains back , oh what a of rain , I says oh I says
4 trying to get through the , he says oh them people have left here , now you 'll have to , and he gives us another two numbers and that , I got through on one of the numbers and then er , I asked I says oh I says I did n't get me photograph and me plastic wallet , he says well you do n't really need them you know when you retired , but I says how can you go on the train , you sure of that ?
5 the thing with them , a bed with them , she 'll not come in now , and never come , no reason why not , cos I know she smokes so what does she do that we have n't to know , so I says oh I says this bed is n't gon na keep being here and no An no Angela in it
6 and he says oh I know but it 's nothing to do with me now , it 's all housing
7 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
8 You cos you know Bonnie yeah , sh she erm got offered a er job in Glitters in Camden yeah it 's a shop in Camden , and sh she told Honey and Dan about it yeah and the next thing she knows yeah like the next day , she 's talking to Dan and Honey and Honey comes out and says oh I went down to Glitters and asked for a job right said right to Honey 's face I mean Bonnie 's face .
9 So he says oh I said I were n't taking you this week .
10 I says oh I du n no , I said oh Sharon 'll fetch dad over , so we sat waiting for her and then they come
11 So , anyway , erm he went to see this lad , then he says oh I 've only just rang up about these speakers , they 're eleven pound odd each .
12 And I , when she 's revising she says oh I 've just done about change and theories of change .
13 and , and they do it about four or five times , you know , the king of Snowdonia , welcome to see and all the bugles going you know all of a sudden he appears in the middle of the picture he says oh I 've come through the back door
14 They think , for example , the feller who sleeps with a lot of women , he says oh I love women !
15 The other thing is as well though you could 've actually got more out of Martin by talking about that because you may have mentioned something that he 's enjoying and says oh I do that , or something like that .
16 And when he went , as he went , she says oh I do n't think he 'll have much choice , er , much chance do you ?
17 the manager came along and says oh I do n't know about it , it seems er some reason
18 That 's an alternative choice , perhaps somebody says oh I preferred the leaded that 's a buying signal
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