Example sentences of "place on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Out of 300 good class competitors , he achieved a brilliant second place on a hilly route in 59 mins. 7 secs .
2 ‘ I had to fight for a place on a packed plane and , after much pleading , they finally knocked someone off their list .
3 The Commonwealth Tournament , which includes sides from Canada , Australia and New Zealand , takes place on a four-year cycle , and Britain has not lifted the trophy since it lasted hosted the event , at Ganton , in 1975 .
4 What 's more , this detonation ( which takes place on a remote beach , with only a dog as witness ) does n't set fire to other parts of the novel .
5 There was a museum on the southern shore , and the coast was lined by terraces of comfortable villas ; a band-stand occupied a prominent place on a new promenade , and at dusk a large crowd thronged round to listen to the music ministered to them by a company of musicians , what some call in Scotland a ‘ brass band . ’
6 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
7 We started house-hunting and found the perfect place on a new rural estate within ten minutes ' drive of the café .
8 The government side insisted that a truce be agreed before discussions could take place on a new constitution which would provide for multiparty politics and free elections .
9 But despite intervention and interest rate adjustments , it has been necessary for realignments of exchange rates to take place on a frequent basis .
10 For these reasons , a barter-based economy could not develop into a sophisticated modern economy in which the buying and selling of goods and services takes place on a continuous basis .
11 Rank Xerox estimates the cost of replacing an executive exceeds £300,000 whereas a place on a typical stress management course is between £200 and £3,000 for an executive . ’
12 The launch to our own salesforce took place on a regional basis during early October .
13 But , before delegation of cases to local judges could take place on a wide scale , there needed to be a manual of existing canon law as recognized in the West .
14 But such union-government bargaining has taken place on a wide range of issues ; for example , over new investment in poorer regions ( e.g. Eisenhammer 1985 : 42–4 ) , rescue bids for ailing private sector companies ( e.g. Grassini 1981 : 82 ) , extension of union participation in management ( e.g. Batstone et al.
15 The event , optimistically , is ‘ due to take place on a warm summer 's evening in June ’ ( the 10th ) .
16 Assembly of engines takes place on a central jig , the radial being built-up , ‘ Christmas tree ’ fashion
17 A lot can be learned about a place on a long Sunday morning run .
18 The great bulk of population movement occurred independently of Moscow in the years 1917–22 , but after the end of NEP it was to be strictly enforced , and took place on a vast scale again .
19 If so , you could be in line to win a place on a 10-month MBA course at INSEAD , courtesy of Arthur Andersen and Cosmopolitan magazine .
20 An approach towards more coordinated wage negotiations has been made via the annual ‘ Spring Wage Offensive ’ which takes place on a nation-wide basis , and in which many unions participate .
21 My persistence paid off when the RCA relented and grudgingly allowed me to take my place on a joint MA course in the departments of Environmental Media and Design Education .
22 The author has felt that these latter efforts have not in some way brought out the real flavour of the game in the sense that the play does not take place on a real pitch , surrounded by players who get in the way of run-making and occasionally do their stuff by bowling the batsman out or sending him back to the pavilion by some other means .
23 The role of step-parents can be hard , especially if the problems have not been foreseen and the marriage has taken place on a powerful wave of emotion and little else .
24 We can begin by considering the mixing of N 1 molecules of component ( 1 ) with N 2 molecules of component ( 2 ) and this can be assumed to take place on a hypothetical lattice containing cells of equal size .
25 For example , much library work with students takes place on a one-to-one basis , and offers opportunities for a different adult/student relationship from that of the classroom .
26 The final fall-back position for this group of very hard to place unemployed people should be the offer of a place on a temporary work scheme .
27 King Edward visited several times when shooting parties and other entertaining took place on a lavish scale .
28 The members , for their part , are true to their wishes , offering support to the various social and fundraising activities — some of which are initiated by them — that take place on a regular basis .
29 Children 's activities are also a high priority , with art workshops and dance courses taking place on a regular basis .
30 Services take place on a regular basis in all three churches — the Book of Common Prayer , 1662 and the Alternative Service Book 1980 , are used .
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