Example sentences of "although it be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The journey to Reykjavik is not so good , and , although it is along a very reasonable road , it can be a bit daunting for the newcomer .
2 The pulsar lies within about 2.3 arcmin of the centre of the target cluster , well within the tidal radius of 9 arcmin , although it is outside the core radius of 8arcsec .
3 I think , you know , I think in answer to the embarrassment question , I think although it is about that erm , people are nay do , people wi on just are nay prepared to commit with information , I think , in areas there 's a wealth of information and experience
4 Although it is to Christianity that we owe our modern temporal orientation , it is to the Romans that we are mainly indebted for the form of our calendar and conventions of time recording .
5 Although it is to be used , filled out , and completed by one carrier only , its layout resembles that of air waybills whose text is flexible enough to include references to combined transport shipments .
6 History teaching has undergone many developments in the last three decades and no doubt change will continue although it is to be hoped that the pace of that change may diminish .
7 And , although it is to be officially unveiled next month , there is already a waiting list of local people eager to be treated with it .
8 Three of the four a 1 modes have already been identified , and the remaining a 1 mode must be that at lowest frequency ; the Raman band is not discernably polarized for , although it is for , and no IR band contours are available .
9 Although it is of course true that people can be greatly helped by having the opportunity to talk about their impending loss , ( both their worries about it and their wish to talk about it together with the person who is dying ) this must be when the time feels right for the people involved and not when the helper , professional or lay , deems it appropriate .
10 Although it is of course difficult to generalise , and some credit unions pay higher rates on savings than others , this difference in the return on savings might be up to around four per cent or so .
11 ‘ There is a matter here which I will ask you to explain to me , although it is of no particular consequence to your situation .
12 ‘ The witness 's mere statement that his answer might have this effect is not sufficient , although it is on oath and even if there is no doubt concerning his bona fides .
13 The commander view would say that the superannuation fund balance sheet should be consolidated : the authority is responsible for managing the fund , although it is on the employees ' behalf not the community 's .
14 ( We use the term " appreciation " to comprehend both critical evaluation and interpretation , although it is with interpretation that stylistics is more directly concerned . )
15 Although it is at a disadvantage to the very deep water berths at Tilbury , Hull and Southampton , which can berth vessels of 25–30,000 tonnes , it still handles similar tonnages !
16 A lot of people in the business are watching it and the ratings have gone up although it is opposite Coronation Street .
17 This is not the place to dwell on the answer to the first question , although it is worth remarking that there are significant nuances of opinion between Britain , on the one hand , and France and Germany , on the other , concerning the relationship with the United States .
18 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
19 It does of course raise serious questions about reductionism ( Peacocke 1985 ) , although it is worth noting that reductionism between levels ( e.g. from the social to the biological or from the biological to the biochemical ) is different from reductionism within a given level ( e.g. the psychological as against the sociological , or the sociological as against the economic ) , which is a matter of perspective or aspect rather than level in Comte 's terms .
20 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
21 Although it is worth stressing that Saussure 's work is open to a variety of interpretations , and although he himself did not use the concepts structure and structural , it was his idea of the arbitrary and differential nature of the linguistic sign , and therefore of the essential disjunction between language and reality , that became the foundation of the structuralist movement .
22 Although it is beyond doubt that the group 's motives were strictly honourable , they were always fully aware of the intensely emotive nature of the subject .
23 Although the Spirit of the Lord has permeated the church through what is called ‘ charismatic renewal ’ , and although it is like leaven in a lump which has begun to spread its influence , there are still many parts of the church unreached and unaffected .
24 In certain states of the USA the possession of small quantities of marijuana is not a criminal offence , although it is in Britain .
25 It has also come to rely on the part-time staff made available by the Association pour le Fouilles d'Archeologie Nationale , which in turn depends largely on private money , although it is in the charge of the Ministry .
26 Cooking is especially suhject to this limitation , although it is in theory one of the most liked activities .
27 Although it is in part a history of corporal punishment , I hope it will titillate . ’
28 Although it is by no means the universal view , some City analysts believe the increase in rates makes a short-lived recession inevitable next year .
29 For example , the Altrincham governors could have argued that there was a safety risk in the girls wearing scarves in the laboratory or workshop — although it is by no means clear that they would have succeeded on this basis .
30 The IQ rating provides some early indication of the presence of mental handicap in a child , although it is by no means entirely satisfactory .
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