Example sentences of "although there have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Although there have been cases of viruses spreading on shrink-wrapped software , these are relatively rare .
2 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
3 Although there have been more comprehensive examinations of the record of the governments , the above four policy areas are of interest because the Conservative government pledged itself to change the direction of policy in them .
4 Although there have been some famous poets who occupied this chair ( for example Matthew Arnold and W. H. Auden ) , it has much more commonly been occupied by dons ; and the point at issue when choosing candidates for the Chair of Poetry has very seldom been their views about the subject on which they are supposed to lecture , still less their competence to do so .
5 The law of diminishing returns has not applied to food production in the countries which have undergone the industrial revolution , although there have been periodic crises , such as the Irish famine of 1845–6 , to remind us that Malthus was not completely wrong .
6 Generally , they are a healthy breed although there have been known cases of luxating patella ( slipping kneecap ) and the occasional heart murmur , but these are the exception rather than the rule .
7 As I said earlier , name identification campaigns are routine in the United States but not so common in Europe , although there have been cases where a candidate has been so successfully promoted that he has won , despite his local party 's unpopularity at the time .
8 Although there have been many marvellous performances that have meant a great deal to me , the most important to me , without doubt , was the only time I heard my first teacher sing .
9 Although there have been reports of David collaborating with Nile Rodgers , the Chic leader who produced Bowie 's classic Let's Dance album , I understand that the next Bowie record on the market will be a live Tin Machine album .
10 The process usually involves the stimulation of indigenous subsurface microorganisms to degrade chemicals on-site , although there have been cases in which microorganisms with some specialised metabolic capabilities have been added .
11 Although there have been attempts to separate these in the public mind , they are inseparable .
12 Few people find Anselm a serious contender for proving the existence of God , although there have been many philosophers who have rightly observed , as we have tried to do , that the logic of existence requires careful consideration .
13 The result of this unique situation has been that , although there have been disagreements about which specific reactor type should be built , governments of both main political parties have nearly always accepted the UKAEA 's general pro-nuclear arguments .
14 Although there have been some useful television series , most television coverage focusses on the sensational , and some major documentaries and plays have compounded the fears and misunderstandings of the public rather than alleviate them .
15 By contrast , although there have been disagreements Israel 's bond with the United States has been rock-solid , built upon agreement ‘ concerning the nature and extent of the Soviet threat to the region ’ .
16 Although there have been recent price falls it should be remembered that in 1973 crude oil cost $2 a barrel .
17 Pollution largely ended the shellfish industry although there have been recent attempts to revive it .
18 The already high incidence of vascular disease in non-diabetic western populations appears to be still higher in diabetic subjects and , although there have been suggestions of a specific diabetic large-vessel disease ( Lundbaek , 1973 ) , there is little evidence to suggest that atherosclerotic lesions in diabetics are distinct from those in non-diabetics ( Strandness et al , 1964 ) .
19 However , although there have been tremendous developments in this field there remain many unanswered questions .
20 We have not yet succeeded in creating reliable reproduction of touch , taste or smell , although there have been a few experiments .
21 This long-term decrease has continued , although there have been fluctuations .
22 There have been no breeding reports since 1945 although there have been five summer records of single birds in 1955 , 1964,1966,1971 and 1972 .
23 One disadvantage of the tokamak is that it has a pulsed discharge ( although there have been various suggestions as to how we might design a continuous tokamak ) while the stellarator and EBT are DC ( continuous ) toroidal configurations .
24 Although there have been conflicting and confusing studies in the literature , two things emerge from fundamental research on DMAE and DEAE .
25 Although there have been well publicised incidents of alleged poor husbandry of laboratory animals , most well-run organisations have too large an investment in their stock to afford mishandling them , especially primates , whose importation is now severely restricted .
26 Although there have been other doctors in Britain who became deaf , Dr. Francis Maylett Smith remains only one of two deaf persons known to have successfully qualified as a doctor .
27 These catfish have been bred in captivity in tanks containing African Rift Valley cichlids , although there have been one or two reports of them scattering their eggs in the substrate in the usual Synodontis fashion when no cichlids were present .
28 It still maintains the main architectural design of the original , although there have been some alterations — for example , cutting off part of the north bulwark and the covering of the Manueline towers .
29 That game proved to be the turning point in the club 's fortunes , and although there have been too many false dawns already in a thus far unsuccessful return , maybe last night 's victory is the break Kendall has been waiting for .
30 Although there have been few studies of public opinion and corporate crime ( Cullen et al. 1982 ; Newman 1957 ; Reed and Reed 1975 ; Rossi et al. 1974 ; Schrager and Short 1980 ; Sinden 1980 ; Wolfgang 1980 ) , they do provide a window on what can best be described as ‘ collective ignorance ’ .
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