Example sentences of "although [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Our GP told me that a drug called Dexamethazone , although in no way a cure , would probably help Nigel 's state of mind by reducing the pressure of the growth on his brain .
2 ‘ I expected telling questions about Shaun leaving , although in a way , without sounding insulting to Shaun , he was one of the more faceless members of the band .
3 But such was the strength of their local authority that most of the larger Catholic households were able to maintain their liturgical tradition , although in a way that was increasingly isolated from the mainstream of local life .
4 The obvious difficulty with behaviouristic accounts of mental states is that , although in a way they do provide what was wanted , i.e. an account of mental states in which they are non-contingently related to behaviour , still they appear to ignore everything that is characteristically mental .
5 She flushed while recalling her own words , although in a way they were true .
6 Although from the way the Americans complain one would imagine such treachery is solely a British disease , more than 30 American citizens have been recently convicted of serious espionage offences .
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