Example sentences of "during a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The virus travelled into the neural net during a regular systems update and began to transmit information to IMC .
2 There are two kinds of data : a ) Elicited — this is what your language helper gives you in reply to questions during a regular session .
3 John Greig , the Rangers ' captain during Robertson 's spell with Third Lanark takes great pleasure in recounting an infamous tale during a New Year game at Cathkin Park .
4 My first acquaintance with Manzoku came on a bitter day during a New Year visit .
5 Family and friends have paid their last respects to rock climber Peter Bowron , who was swept to sea by a freak wave during a New Year rock-climbing holiday .
6 Now , in a mood of heady exhilaration , a delicious scenario flashed in his mind ; the school drop-out , on his way to take delivery of his own Jumbo Jet , literally dropping back in during a First XI cricket match with two of the most celebrated test cricketers in the world in tow .
7 The results were publicised during a two day exhibition at Keele University in November 1990 : the event , which included displays of the thematic maps and archival material , was promoted jointly by BGS , the North Staffordshire branch of the Geologists ' Association and the Institution of Geologists .
8 Those adults in a population of 444971 who developed severe acute renal failure ( serum creatinine concentration >500µmol/l ) for the first time during a two year period , with subsequent fall of the serum creatinine concentration below the index value .
9 The study group was taken from 46 consecutive patients operated on at our hospital for gastro-oesophageal reflux during a two year period up to 1972 .
10 The absence of such courtesies during a two hour meeting suggests that the purpose of the meeting may have been the initial ‘ interrogation ’ in an accounts investigation .
11 The lack of liquid refreshment during a two hour meeting could be seen as a lack of courtesy and , if this occurs again , it is suggested that a tactful reference to the need for a drink be made during the meeting — the result may be only a glass of water , but that is better than nothing !
12 During a two hour tour of his collection , he imparted endless information .
13 Behind the scenes it 's mayhem , with a cast of two hundred running back and forth between dressing room and stage during a two hour show .
14 In contrast , after the introduction of the laparoscopic approach , four patients have been referred with total bile duct transections during a one year period .
15 However , the most infamous of all confrontations occurred in 1914 , the year of the ‘ Ludlow Massacre ’ , when thirty-five militia opened fire on a tent colony of 8,000–10,000 members of mining families recently evicted from their homes during a union-recognition strike .
16 One method , which by-passes the problems of tape-to-tape synchronisation , is to speak it direct to a microphone which records it straight onto the video tape via the mixer during a non-stop transfer .
17 A case which illustrates some of these features well is the ash erupted by the Chilean volcano Quizapu , during a Plinian eruption in 1932 .
18 THE Mayor and mayoress were all smiles and kisses during a grand ceremony to hand them their chains of office .
19 As in the longer experiment , the subjects tended to sleep less during a three-month follow-up , indicating that even relatively short periods of training may be sufficient to reduce sleep requirements by an hour or so in individuals who wish to do so .
20 A Metropolitan Police study conducted during a three-month period in 1979 found that 0.4 per cent of detainees were held for seventy-two hours or more .
21 A tribunal can not consider an unfair dismissal complaint unless it is presented during a three-month period beginning with the effective date of termination .
22 In mildly hypertensive non-insulin-dependent patients a recent controlled study using an intended diet shown in Table 3.4 lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure , improved glycaemic control and reduced weight during a three-month period ( Dodson et al , 1984 ) .
23 One time , during a late lock-in at the Paprika , I ran to the car to get my cigarettes , and saw my friends through the Christmassy frost of the window : silhouettes dancing , milling about and smoking ; the cone-shaped joints , most unmistakable in their size , dancing from hand to hand .
24 Yes , the metabolic rate can reduce by 10 per cent during a calorie-restricted diet .
25 DURING a memorable career , most of Don Howe 's wildest dreams have come true .
26 It is difficult for anyone to slow down the behaviour that they produce in milliseconds during a real meeting in order to reflect on it and change it .
27 Being the prevailing wind did not make a storm less stormy ; having bubonic plague during a Black Death which affected half the world did not make it less painful ; being overindebted at a time when cultural change had made it fashionable neither excused it nor mitigated it .
28 Contracts should be structured so that if the company does n't release any recordings during a certain contract year , the artist has the option to terminate the agreement and look elsewhere for a record deal .
29 A pilot engine ran 15 minutes in advance of the train throughout the entire journey and , to guard against any obstruction or interference , no engine , train , or vehicle , except the pilot , was allowed to proceed upon , or cross the main line , during a certain interval before the passing of the Royal Train , while even shunting operations on adjoining lines were suspended .
30 Homosexuality between consenting adults aged 21 or over , and abortion during a certain period of pregnancy , are not criminal offences at present , although they have been in the past .
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